
Read more about their experiences and how a step by step approach has helped them overcome their problems.
Each of my client is unique. In their journey, each one has had different issues.Click through left and right on the arrows below to read all of their healing experiences.
Swipe through left and right on the stories below to read all of their healing experiences.
Om Sai Ram
Sai Baba’s miracles are amazing. His ways are only known him. With his grace I experienced a beautiful miracle. During summer when I had been to India had got some notebooks having front cover with Baba’s photos for Ravi Ji. Since the beginning of September I was unable to post them to her for various reasons. I was not happy with the delay.
In the last week of September I made up my mind to post the books somehow. Coincidentally, I only got time on Thursday that week. In my first attempt, I went to the post office nearest to my workplace but to my surprise that had been closed permanently. My second attempt in the same afternoon, I thought of trying my luck on the way home but couldn’t find a parking space near the post office there. Finally, for the third time I thought of going to the one near home, I had the notebooks in my hand and I went up to the counter where I was greeted by a gentleman who was the Postmaster and appeared to be a native of India. I showed him the books and said that I wanted to post them to my friend and asked for an envelope. He pointed in the direction of where the envelopes were. I got one and packed the notebooks and handed it to him for posting. He asked me where I had got them from first and then said this is related to Sai Satcharitra isn’t it? I was pleasantly surprised he knew about Satcharitra and asked if he knew about the book, he said ‘ Yes I am a devotee of Baba and showed me his ring, there was Baba in a ring’ I showed him mine too! It was a great moment and I can’t explain the feeling through writing. Baba has chosen his devotee to receive the notebooks and sent off safely to Ravi Ji. I thanked him and said that it was purely Baba’a leela that I was able to post the books through him. I thanked him and left the post office. I was going to leave the site and go back home but something within me may be Baba’s voice said ‘Go back and speak to the gentleman about Mahaparayan’ I couldn’t ignore the guidance and spoke to the gentleman about Mahaparayan, he was happy to join and is part of one of Baba’s blessed classrooms.
At the same time my phone flashed with a message from Ravi Ji asking if I had posted the notebooks today.. an intuitive connection
Baba please grace your children with countless and innumerable blessings.
Divya ji
Om Sai Ram *SAI’S MIRACLE WHICH MY FAMILY EXPERIENCED * My mom aged 75 fell down and got her right leg fractured on both sides.. Doctor checked her and said she needs to have an operation and need to insert a plate on one side and a bolt and nut on the other side. We were really scared considering her age but with no choice we understood and mom underwent an operation and it went on well and she was discharged from hospital .. She was taken care well and after couple of weeks a nurse came home for removing the stitches and advised her to take bath normally.. and after that physio therapists came and helped her to do some leg movement and my mom asked again;” if it is ok to put water while she has a shower” they said yes…But she started to get severe pain which she was unable to bear. We took her to hospital for checkup the doctor said because she used water in the fractured leg it got infected badly… Since she was needing help for her basic needs she was depressed and broke down she use to always be active and never used to sit idle.. she believes in Baba and Varahi Ma and was praying to them always… That’s when she asked me for a MahaParayanam Mass prayer for her recovery… I messaged in group and you all supported us.. With Sairam’s grace and all your prayers, after the first week of MahaParayanam she felt as if someone is doing a gentle press on her leg she felt this every early morning. She believed that it was Baba who is giving his touch to cure her… she has recovered 95% now.. She got back her confidence. I should really thank Raviji for healing my mom and Sairam for doing special Pooja for her.. Our family vows to all of you for making my mom what she is today.
Om Sai Ram Ji Experience: Om Sai Ram ji I have once again come to tell you the miracle of my Sai. This might sound simple and insignificant to some – but for me, it is really big. We have been thinking of calling my mother from India to the UK to spend some time with us. Every time we spoke to her – she refused. It happened this time as well. But, this time as my husband was going to India he said he will bring her. He applied for her visa – although she was not happy about it. Whenever I spoke to her on the phone she didn’t seem happy and excited and I felt that she was not willing to come. I prayed to my Baba that if He thinks this trip will do good for my mother then please convince her and approve the visa. But, if He thinks it will not be good then please do not approve the visa. And whatever he chooses, He gives us the understanding to accept His wish. Initially, I could hear some hesitance in her voice, but as the days passed there was a big difference – she sounded excited and looking forward to it. I don’t know how Baba made this happen – His ways are mysterious. Last night, I saw my Baba briefly in my dream as well, and today morning my mother received her visa. I pray to Baba to bless all mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers and all children. I bow to you my Baba. Thank you for everything you have given us.
My name is Sheela and I am member of MP 5083 since 2020.
Last September 2021, we were shocked to know that my close relative had been diagnosed with colorectal cancer 4th stage. He was given two months. All we did was to turn to Sai Baba and pray. Our entire family are Sai bhakatas so we knew that baba has his own ways.
Chemotherapy began and two months passed. My brother in law was stable but weak with the chemo. His blood reports showed positive changes however last week he had severe discomfort and was suggested to immediately undergo a procedure where in a stent was to be introduced in the upper colon to relax the pressure created there. The doctor undertaking the surgery said it was a risky procedure due to the position of the cancer. We were extremely worried and I immediately approached Ravi Bhamberji for urgent prayers. She responded with “Have faith in Baba ji”and “I am sure Baba has plan to help u to restore your faith” cause I was nervous. Today my brother in law underwent the procedure smoothly without any complications. It truly is a miracle. My faith has got stronger.
Keep praying and having faith and patience for good happenings!
My son was to leave for his undergraduate study to Canada on August 28th. We applied for a study permit visa on the 15th of May. On 22nd July we got a message that his visa is rejected this is the time when all our dreams were shattered and we were not able to withstand it. The very next day I started to do Parayan for a week – after one week of Parayan the moment I finished the Aarti we got a call from the University to re-apply for the visa with a strong letter of explanation from the University itself. We re-applied it on 31st July again we had a fear of not getting it rejected and wanted the visa to come on time before 28th August as his tickets were already booked. Once we re-applied I again started doing Parayan for a week. The day I finished the Parayan again we got a letter from IRCC that our visa is accepted. This was all Baba’s miracle and Ravi Ji’s prayers to whom I had shared my experience. We got a letter of acceptance on the 13th of August. The next challenge was to get the stamped passport before 28th August and this is the third time I did a week Parayan and just a day before his departure we got his stamped passport. Thus Baba has shown his existence in our life by guiding us. Myself, my son and my family are part of the Mahaparayan group. Even my sisters are part of the group. The day we got the passport stamped was Thursday and all my near and dear family had prayed to Baba from the bottom of their heart. I just want to tell everyone to believe in Baba – He will bring you out from all calamities.
Om Sai Ram
Savi Kaul
Om Sai Ram!
Firstly I would like to thank all the volunteers who work closely with baba and make others work.
I have joined baba parayanam few years ago and got so much involved.
Last year 2020 we moved home, it’s our dream home. Which we always wanted from long and plan to retire here.
In 2021 my husband heart beat was bit high so I forced him to visit doctor. He never visited doctor from the time we are in uk 2010. Baba always took care of us. My husband is also part of Mahaparyanam family. As it was covid times I was not allowed to enter hospital I was asked to wait out. After an hour got a call from hubby it’s getting late you go home I will call once it’s done. I went home as I left my son at home who is 12yrs old. I got call around 1 in the midnight that they found some liquid around his heart and they are treating it as emergency thinking it can lead to heart attack. I said I will drive behind ambulance but I was not allowed. Kept waiting for call till morning 4. At 5 got the call stating that they have him room and upon booking I can visit him. Only I was allowed to visit and we were already broken by then. When met doctor they said they have down the scans and can see tow lumps one near chest and one near kidney. They said can’t tell anything until biopsy is done. After biopsy and pet scan it was confirmed it’s a cancer. Doctors said it’s a very rare cancer and usually found in age after 60 or below 10. He literally started crying and asked baba why me what have I done. I haven’t harmed anyone in this life. They said might need to go with transplantation. Baba first miracle after bone marrow they confirmed it’s less than required percentage so transplantation is not required. And by baba grace they moved him to Oxford immediately and chemo was started within a week. By babas grace first chemo was fine and second was strong. It was so strong that it lead to pancreatitis and immediately he was moved to icu. It was his birthday and I had to wish him in icu. We always had trust in baba that he will take care of his kids. At this time he stooped reading Parayanam and had to quit group. After 2 months by Ravi Jis prayers and babas blessings he moved out of icu. From there he slowly started recovering. He joined back baba parayanam group. When his treatments are he used to listen to chapters and prayed to baba. After an year after so many ups and downs by babas grace he was confirmed to be in remission. He alone can do miracles in life. He was always there with us. We both are baba devotees from our school time. Tehre was never a visit to India without going to Shirdi. We always used to think why such a punishment. But baba says it’s not only in this life this is karma of previous life’s. With baba udi and blessings he is doing better now. Thanks for all the prayers for his recovery. He started with his maintenance from today. Which is for two years and I am sure baba will take care and cover this as well.
Ravi Ma’am Ji is one of the best healers I came across-in my life . My brother introduced me to her last year. I had severe COVID, she prayed and healed me this year, I am leading a normal life now.
My dad was hospitalized for COVID recently, we were apprehensive that he would be retained for a long time in the hospital. Ravi Ma’am intervened and ensured he was discharged at the earliest and after coming home also he was weak, she prayed and his mobility is ok now.
There were tough times but by Grace and blessings of Shirdi Sai and prayers of Raavi Ma’am Ji we were out of the pessimistic period.
Of course unteeming support of my brother also helped us a lot. Many thanks to Ma’am Ji for all the healing and prayers support. May God bless her family and her for healing many people.
Thanks Shirdi and Ravi Ma’am Ji
The Kumars
The Kumars
I have started Sai Baba parayanam just 4 weeks back and I feel truly blessed by Baba.
Me and my husband have been doing job trails since many months but we had success only after I started parayanam. We landed up with the best jobs in the last couple of weeks and our life seem to be at the happiest phase right now.
Thank you for introducing me to Sai Baba Parayanam and the magical divinity behind
Alka M
Alka M
Om Sai Ram
I wish to start my post by saying thank you to Sai Baba and to all who are helping us to get close to HIM.
Sai Baba has done many, many miracles in my life, some of which I took for granted that this was supposed to happen, some for which I have been eternally grateful, and for some which I have accepted as his prasad.
I am 43 years of age now, and I can see the different phases and different levels of spiritual learning I have been through as I grow older. Everything is making more sense now – why, what, who, how – it’s all Baba’s blessing. All I have to do is accept it. I always think the total trust in HIM is like the trust game we play – where you have to fall back, keeping trust that the other person behind you will not let you fall. The other person here is Sai Baba. Have complete trust and full faith in Him. HE knows what HE’s doing and HE loves you – what else would anyone else want.
I want to share one recent Sai Baba blessing – Not too long ago, on 1st April I went to the GP to get a mole checked. As I went to the GP reception, I checked in myself and sat at the chairs waiting to be called. Deep down in my heart, I knew the mole was nothing to worry about. I’ll be in and out in a flash.
I opened Facebook while I was waiting, and guess what came up. My Baba’s message, something along the lines – it’ll take time, but there is nothing to worry. HE’ll not let anything happen to me.
I read the message and thought, not sure why this message came – as deep down I knew the Dr would say there is nothing wrong – case closed.
The Dr. called me. She checked, and as I expected, she said it didn’t look worrisome. But she will discuss it with the senior Dr. I said sure and came home.
While I was doing my prayers in the evening, I received a message from the same Dr that the senior Dr wants to examine the mole with his medical magnifying glass and take pictures. My heartbeat raised, I thought – seriously! Where did this come from? Of course, I was scared.
Then suddenly, I remembered my Baba’s message, and within minutes I calmed down. His word is never untrue.
I accepted the appointment – it was a 2-week wait. Imagine, if I had not gotten Baba’s message – how would I have felt. I would have googled and made the situation worse. But, this time, I knew that Baba has already assured me and there was nothing to worry. I prayed to Baba that if it is cancerous, then the surgery be after my son’s exams, and my hospital appointments don’t disrupt my husband’s and kid’s schedule.
I knew Baba was with me.
I started reading Sai Satcharitra every day. I promised my Baba that I will do aan daan and write my experience to tell everyone to have shraddha and saburi – Sai baba is in control of everything.
Some days I felt tense, but I remembered Baba’s message and became calm. After 2 weeks, the senior Dr saw me – he also assured me all is ok and there is nothing to worry. I came back home happy.
Again, after 2 weeks the senior Dr called me on my phone and said that he now has a powerful magnifying glass and wishes to see me again. My heartbeat became fast again – I didn’t know why this was happening?
I remembered my Baba, my Guru – all will be well. HE is with me. Maybe it’s a testing time, and maybe he wants the best treatment for me.
After 1 week, I met the senior Dr again. He said that he wants to be absolutely sure from his side and wants to refer me to the cancer clinic. I said sure – I knew that Baba is doing all this. I received a call to arrange an appointment time to visit the clinic. They told me the specialist is available on 9th May.
Somewhere deep down I knew the significance of the number 9 – I had read in the Sai Satcharitra. Another indication – Baba is with me. I could either worry and make things worse or trust HIM. I chose to trust HIM.
After another 2 weeks, on 9th May, I went to the clinic – praying to Baba to come with me. I knew Baba was doing all this, and I needed to have faith and patience. I need not worry – if they do find something, then it’ll be ok as Baba is with me, and it is all his doing.
It literally took me 5 mins – in and out of the specialist’s office – a lovely lady, she looked at it and said it’s nothing. I thanked Baba and left her office.
At every step, I knew Baba was with my family and me. He was making the right people come in my way to help me. HE hinted me from day 1 that this would take time, but there is nothing to worry. HE’ll not let anything happen to me.
I wish and pray that I have the same faith and trust that I had this time at every step of my life. It’s a beautiful feeling – when you know that you cannot control the situation and you leave everything to HIM – HE will take care of everything.
Om Sai Ram Ji
Mrs Payal
Mrs Payal
Om sai ram
Hello everyone. My name is Lalitha(MP-5090). Many thanks to the Mahaparayan group and to all the blogs for sharing Baba’s experiences. I had a cervical screening in UK. Result came positive & cells were abnormal. I was told to go for further test and do a biopsy and treatment if necessary. I read on the website that it can even turn into cancer if left untreated. Reading it all I went through the pain and fear I have never experienced in my life. But the appointment took 3 months to arrive. I have fasted believing in Sai Baba and performed Sai Divya Puja for 5 weeks. I started reading Sai Baba leelas on website. So I realized the glory of Vibudhi. Then I started reading the hymn Udi Darana daily and drank it by dipping it in water. I realized that there is no other great medicine great treatment than that. I did parayana daily. I joined the Mahaparayan group. Also I read Sai Stavana Manjari. I believe Baba made me read. Exactly the day before Ekadashi it caught my eye. I started reading Sai Stavana Manjari from Ekadashi day. Also i read that Sai name was written 108 times by a devotee and got good result. My appointment is exactly 9 days away if I calculate. I also wrote the name Sai 108 times. I vowed I will not eat one of my favorite dish until I visit Shirdi. I also vowed that I would share my experience with devotees on the website. 3 months passed like hell for me. But the experiences of the devotees gave me so much solace. On Feb 14th I got tested saying that I have no big problem and there is no need for any treatment or biopsy and I should be tested again after 1 year. I’m sure that next year by Baba’s grace the test result will be NEGATIVE, I also need all your prayers. This is the biggest miracle that Baba has done in my life. I experienced the glory of Baba’s Vibudi.
Om Sai Ram
With Babas blessings and grace I have been given the responsibility to share links to all groups by Ravi Ji.
We have a link plan for each month that is followed for sending links out to groups.
The March plan had been approved and I was supposed to start sending links from Wednesday,2nd March but unfortunately couldn’t due to some commitments. On Thursday some voice I believe this is Babas voice was telling me inform Ravi Ji that you haven’t shared today. I wanted to inform Ravi Ji but couldn’t and missed out.
Next day early morning on Friday, again the voice said message Ravi Ji but I got carried away with house work and forgot. After an hour I checked my phone and saw messages from Ravi Ji asking if I had shared links. I was moved and completely awestruck as Baba had given rise to parallel thoughts in our minds. This has happened to me previously as well when I have thought of something and Ravi Ji has also asked me for the same.
Mrs Divya
Mrs Divya
My brother who is based abroad was not successful in securing a job for a long time. My family was very sad and were praying fervently to Baba to help him. I was not able to see my family members sad and dejected.
This was back in November 2020. I thought of Ravi ji and requested her to help me. She said she will check with Baba on the coming Thursday. On Thursday morning Ravi ji messaged me and suggested Annadaan and also said if my mum could prepare sweet every Thursday and feed people living around the house it would be beneficial. I conveyed the message to mum and she has been religiously following the same. Also we decided to send donation for Annadaan to Shirdi every month via Shirdi Sai Sansthan online services.
After 4 months of following Ravi ji’s advice and sincere prayers to Baba I am so happy to say that my brother has got a permanent job.
I am so thankful to Ravi ji for her timely advice and help. Above all, I am grateful to Baba for taking me in his fold and introducing me to Mahaparayan.
Om Sai Ram Sri Satchitanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai
Mrs. Jai
Some untold problem kept disturbing me for the past ten days. I was completely shattered and on the verge of ending my life. I always refer Sai Sat Charitra verses in my day to day life. When I read Sat Charitra, something was disturbing me about the the print/letters disappearing. I messaged Ravinder ji. I didn’t say much to her about what I am going through. She instantly asked me about my old Sai Sat Charitra and how old it was. She guided me to get new Sai Sat Charitra and to throw the old Sai Sat Charitra into a water body to remove my karma. I followed her guidance. Slowly I am seeing some grip to live my life. Om Sai Ram. I have surrendered my life at the lotus feet of Sai Baba.
Rani M
Om Sai Ram!
By Baba blessings 2 years ago, I walked ahead in life to take the step of undergoing healing to help myself to progress in life. I was in a difficult relationship with my husband, who used to drink and used abusive language while talking to me. This not only brought me down to the cross roads if I should continue the marriage but also was constantly hindering my child’s development. My son was not only picking all the shouting and arguments, but was playing up with his progression.
I visited Sai 9 Healing in 2018 November. When I visited, I was lost and lived in constant anguish, hatred and experienced failure every second as if it was coming any time. Healing was the best decision, I took in my life as that changed my perspective to my own very self. I started seeing that what I always perceived to be my husband’s fault, was not just his fault but also my own. I had developed so many inner vices which, I was unwilling to accept and bring shifts. I realised that there was a lot to change within me. My situation was so complex that Ravi had to work extremely hard to break my inner patterns. Her relentless efforts to bring change within me was commendable and still continued healing process with constant hope to change further.
I always dreaded my husband being at home in the last 10 years. Ravi kept assuring me that life will get better but I was restless many a times. However by baba grace and her constant prayers, my life finally takes a beautiful turn where my husband seems to be changing for good. I see, he no longer talks abusively anymore and his habits are reduced as well. He is more responsible and is taking more interest in what is happening at home. It was like the impossible and it however happened, which was possible through healing and BABA’s Blessings. God tests! , but he knows when and how to take care of his devotees. Healing is a wonderful process where one gets an opportunity to clear past patterns which are sub-consciously induced deep within. I always heard Ravi saying Baba can take away 50% of your karma and pain, but also it is down to your own will to bring yourself out of the situation. Healing makes you realise that world is temporary and God is the truth and constant driving force.
Everything happens only if the grace of God exists. No matter how much one might want to bring the changes, the changes within can only manifest when God is willing. Healing is a process which enhances your ability to handle life and to get a healer who one can trust is a blessing in disguise. In my case it was Baba’s gift for a lifetime. Each time I talk to my husband, I feel gratitude to god for everything. Healing is the best and the most finest approach to life when it is accompanied by counselling as it empowers you to understand your inner self better by every growing day. Today my husband is getting better by every day and he not only is responsible but is thriving to prove himself in life. This is not only making us as a family strong but also acting towards our collective wellbeing.
Ravi once said to me when one person in a family gets healing, the entire family has shifts. There is a direct healing which takes place on one end and this brings inner shifts within the person who is undergoing the process which in turn starts changing the other members of the family. We all are mirrors who reflect and attract each other at home. If one feels positive, that positivity will start seeping through the rest of the members of our home. Healing is a process which is to bring collective consciousness to many souls within the world.
Grateful to GOD who planned my life as his planning is PERFECT!!!
Grateful to RAVI for accompanying me in the journey of LIFE!!!
Mrs Divya
Ravinder ji is truly blessed and has never failed to amaze me. During one of our sessions, I felt this strange burning sensation in my left lower leg which resolved as the guided healing ended. I then remembered I had swollen legs and feet due to excessive walking and standing that week and I had not mentioned that to her- but it was truly magical how that healed within minutes into the session. I have had some wonderful experiences related to Baba because of her guidance and have heard so many wonderful stories from people about her and can easily say that I can relate. She is truly blessed and I am glad to have received her support and guidance through some difficult times and advice for life ahead. My immense gratitude and best wishes always.
Dr M.S
‘Baba’ the very sound resonates in many of us. We pray to him, tell him our worries, our wishes and make him our divine core. One of the promises of Baba to his devotees:
‘Wherever you are , whatever you do , it never misses my sight.’
On last Friday, 7th August, I was visiting an Indian shopping place for groceries which is far from my place. Since COVID, I planned to shop and stock groceries for few months so that I do not need to go back outside again and again into the crowds. I visited Ravi ji’s home to have my healing session. She was kind enough, for the last 4 months Ravi ji did not meet any clients as she has old parents at home, as Baba guided her, she asked me to come home.
God’s plans are always perfect. When I was leaving she did suggest that I have loads of shopping and it is advisable to go by taxi. As my home was too far and taxi would be expensive, I said that it was ok and I could manage and left her home. When I was leaving she gave me a cover in which there were two old Sai Satcharitras and Baba’s statue. She asked me to immerse them in the river near my home.
I was chanting Baba’s name and it was a very hot day. The shopped items were too heavy. I managed and changed trains. When I got down the tube and was getting on the escalator, in a blink of eye my foot slipped. At that point, I had at least 50 kg weight of grocery bags with me. Two people held me and everybody wondered how I did not fall but was saved by them, but I felt Baba saved me. It would have been a fatal accident.
I was thinking all the way how did I even not get hurt and nothing happened. As I was thinking, reached home and dropped all the stuff. I took the packet which Ravi ji gave me to immerse in the river as it is outside our home.
As I stared putting the items in the river, I noticed that the statue was broken into half. I heard a loud voice from the sky. It said:
” To protect my devotees, I shall take the wounds and pain. I will never forsake you”
The statue was meant by fate to be immersed in the river, but what can I say. Baba’s statue, his pictures are full of his gracious form. Even before flowing through, he served the purpose of saving me. His love is immeasurable and he is watching everything and can do anything for his loved ones which is us devotees.
Mrs. Singh
I came to Ravi in May 2020 during a very low phase in my life. I was suffering from a health condition which no doctor or dentist could diagnose. The pain was unbearable and I was not functioning on a daily basis due to high medication doses. I also lost my job during Covid 19.
Ravi was a true blessing who always listened and made me feel so much better. She always assured me things would get better step by step and to trust babas plan.
As sessions progressed my life started changing and today my pain is going, I have a new job opportunity and things are so much more happier and positive in life.
I cannot thank you enough Ravi for you love encouragement and positivity and whoever comes to you will never look back. You are an Angel from baba and may you continue to bless many more lives.
Sapna Bhandari
I had reached out to Ravi di in a very desperate condition in 2018 and went through a year’s healing with her on several issues. At one point she told me to volunteer with an organisation dedicated to Baba and I had really tried but couldn’t get any role. Two years down the line, I am volunteering with another group dedicated to Baba. I really want to thank her and believe that her sessions are guided by Baba Himself. Om Sai Ram.
I connected with Ravinder ji via the Mahaparayan group initially and happened to see her website and messaged her. I had been struggling to pass an exam and had subsequent two exams to clear within a matter of 2 weeks. The fear of failure and uncertainty was making me anxious as passing this would mean a big achievement in my life.
In our first meeting and session itself she had a strong connect and without a doubt re-assured me that I will pass, talked me through the process to clear my blocks and fears and gave me remote healing.
I cannot express how easily my revision and submissions went after that and my surrounding energy was filled with so much positivity.
Very happy to share that with baba’s blessings and her re-assurance, motivation and healing, I successfully passed both my exams!!
My immense gratitude to Ravinder ji for being such an important part in my journey to achieve this on time after so many setbacks!!
She has a strong connect with Baba and is truly blessed and a gifted healer!
Thank you so much
Dr M.S
My dad passed away and I was waiting for a dream or a message to know he is at peace. 5 weeks went by, and I could hardly sleep. Felt unsettled. Spoke to Ravinder and her words are always so comforting and pure. I went to sleep that evening and my dad came into my dream. He was at the temple and gave me the comfort and reassurance I needed. Thank you Rav for your continued love guidance with baba blessing.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
I would like to share my Mahaparayan experience. Am a devotee of Shirdi Baba and live in Cyprus and joined the Mahaparayan group despite of not having a Shri Sai Satcharitra book and never held a picture of Baba in my hand, that I could visualise the form of the lord. Devotees can only serve Baba, when he draws them to read his stories and nothing manifests without his almighty will but we as humans tend to perceive that, we are the doers and get sucked into Maya or illusion and my own experience is an example.
Working on a maid visa and the Christian owner not allowing me to do prayers at home, I offered my prayers at night when none can stand between me and Baba. I started weeping day and night, asking Baba to take away my illness and wishing to get a picture of Baba which I can offer prayers. Despite every problem in my life, I continued to read Satcharitra and had faith that one day will get vibhuti and Baba’s picture. On the first day of Mahaparayan which was in October 2019, I had a dream in which Baba stood in front of me with open arms. I wept out of love that my dear lord graced me in dream and that very experience has given me reassurance to look forward to one day being blessed with his love.
On 1st January 2020, I received a parcel and sender unknown. I opened the parcel and it had Shri Sai Satcharitra, a beautiful cloth, sweet packet, Baba’s beautiful picture and flowers. My words of joy are not something which can be penned as I felt Baba himself has sent them from Shirdi. Only Baba can do it!!!!
No matter where you are, distance does not matter, Baba will reach you. All he needs is love, earnest devotion from a devotee. You break that wall of separation that is standing between him and you, he will traverse lightyears to reach you.
Mrs Patel
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
I am Chetana and a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. I want to share with you my dear friends the miracle that happened within our life’s, once I started reading Mahaparayan. We are three siblings, two sisters and one brother. Being elder daughter, my parents got me married first and by baba’s grace, I am very happy being blessed with a daughter and well settled in Bangalore. Two years ago, my younger sister got married, unfortunately not even a month into marriage, she got divorced. After enduring such a bad experience, she was not ready to get married again and start a new life though, we as a family kept persuading her.
Again who knows best more than Baba does, after two years we finally managed to convince her for marriage. There was question constantly worrying the family if my sister will be accepted whole heartedly by the new family and how will future events unfold. Being the eldest daughter in my family, my parents left the decision on me as my parents were feeling vulnerable and felt they were not in a position to make a decision after having a painful experience in the prior instance with her marriage. One night I was sleeping and thinking about doing 9 Thursday vrat of Sai Baba. Next day I had a message from a friend of mine saying that they are forming a Mahaparayan group of Sai Baba and she asked me, if I was interested in joining the group. My immediate instincts thought, Baba himself came to help me in this way. Next moment without thinking twice, I agreed to join Mahaparayan. On the first day of Mahaparayan, I prayed to baba that within 3 months, he should guide me to find a suitable alliance which will bestow blessing of a wonderful person as a husband to my sister. The same day, when I started reading Sai Baba Satcharitra as a part of Mahaparayan, I received a call and we were approached by a family and the groom was willing to marry my sister. By baba blessings in 45 days engagement and marriage everything has happened and now she is happy with her husband. I am so thank full to the team who organized the Mahaparayan, special for Ravi ji and co-ordinators. Really it is baba who was with me all the way long in this journey, whatever I asked of him he gave me. I am very Thank full to baba.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Each word I write falls short in expressing my gratitude to Baba. You are mother, father, family, friend, teacher and will say everything for me. Mahaparayan has changed my life. Today I feel his presence in my every breath, and I feel there is no him, there is no me.
I lacked both Shraddha and Saburi in my life and have been constantly seeking aimlessly in life. I would like to share my experience which is most recent as if I keep writing of his Leela’s in my life then the list is endless. I have been thinking of changing jobs for last 6 months but somehow or the other I never even applied for a job. Always found reasons to not apply for job either personal or professional. On 17thJanuary 2020, Thursday I was contacted by an agent saying my name came up on the website and he has an opportunity, which he believes that I will be suitable to apply. As it is Thursday, I usually don’t say no to anything that comes in my way, as I believe baba has planned it. I said yes to him and told him that I will forward my CV on Sunday at 9:00 pm as number 9 is Baba’s number.
I received a call on Mahaparayan Thursday 24th January 2020, that they called me for an interview on 27th January 2020. I was just going by his plan as later, I realised that 2 plus 7 is nine. The interview was another miracle as on the day of interview, I was not able to reach their office and felt will not be able to attend the interview and then a man came to me and took me to interview in person. I received a call on Thursday the 30th January 2020 and they asked me to attend for an interview on Thursday 6th February 2020. I had very strong feeling that it was baba who was working his way through me. I was than informed that they really were very much impressed with me and would like to see me on 18th February 2020 for final interview via phone. Immediately I smiled as 1 plus 8 is 9.
On the day of the interview, I was not well as was having a very difficult day and was not well. I sat down in the meeting room and was looking at Baba on my phone and said that I was not feeling like doing it, so he should do it on my behalf. I picked the call and my voice was not coming and body got stiff, not knowing what to do, I disconnected the phone. I was panicking and all I did was opened the vibhuti and put in my mouth. I picked the call this time and did the interview. I myself could not believe as to how I could even do it that way as each of my answers were crafted by him not me. Baba’s number 9 and it is him and his plan. They informed me that the formal offer will be sent to me straight away on 20th February 2020 the Thursday.
I still cannot believe that this manifested, but it did. I am writing this with that faith which is as vast as the universe.
Mrs Kumari
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Parents are the start to all relationships we garner from the moment we enter this world to the end. They are the foremost of all teachers from whom, we learn and without their blessing, we are incomplete.
I am blessed by a lovely boy 14 years ago which was the most memorable moment of my life. He was my world and guess this is the case with every mother. In Satcharitra the author narrates “when a child is adorned with new clothes, a mother’s joy is boundless whereas the child does not show attention to it” and this is perfect example of mother’s love for her child. We love our children unconditionally like Baba love his children. Having been Baba’s devotee last 15 years, I tried in multiple occasions to accept my son the way he is but to my dismay irrespective of how much I try to reform his ways, he would not.
He had no zeal to doing anything in life and never behaved normal like other children of his age would do. He does not like to study, so what else does he want to do was a question that I constantly lived with and there is no answer to any of my questions. Because of constant battles and arguments at home, it also started to have an impact on my marriage, as my husband could not tolerate any more and felt I was responsible for the entire situation. House became a living hell as there was no peace, no progressiveness- leave alone no love and happiness.
I prayed to Baba relentlessly but at that point, I did not realise that my prayers lacked bhakti but were filled with fears. I started losing hope for last few years. I was approached for joining Mahaparayan group and I signed up to do reading two chapters every Thursday for the Mahaparyan group, with the hope that something will change in my life. Again, please note the word hope that I write as that is where, I was not able to bring a shift in my life. I lived with hope but never moved towards faith, that Baba knows the best and whatever is given to me is for my highest good. Mahaparayan is just bliss engrained in the form of a book. Every Thursday when I opened the book, the very touch healed me. Gave courage to confront my son and his behaviour. I have personally seen him improve so much in the last few months and can clearly see baba working through him. His grades are better, and I notice that he is much calmer than before or can say I learnt how to handle him with Baba’s guidance. He is a 14-year-old body with under 10-year-old maturity, but I have faith in Baba. When he could bring us this far, he will take us ahead in this journey. The reading of this book taught me to keep walking in life and holding the book for any question I have. Baba is the faith and Baba is the answer.
Mrs Kumari
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Baba has been very considerate to us in various instances and I am a devotee living in south India. Despite of being a devotee for years, I have spent all my life having money, but living without it as all my properties were stuck up some way or the other. I tried multiple times to sell them but despite many attempts, I keep living in financial difficulties. By baba grace there was never any dart of needs but at the same time we never could live a normal life due to constant financial pressures.
I started reading for Mahaparayan in October 2019 and for the first time after 40 years, we could sell one of our properties in November 2019 and this could only happen because of Baba’s grace and his blessings. My prayers were answered by baba after many years. I really hope that Baba clears all our property issues and we can make our children progress in life. Though I have been reading this book for years, I never felt the energy which I feel now. I no longer sulk in life but started accepting life the way it is and leave it in Baba’s hands.
I and my children are grateful to the organisers of Mahaparayan especially Ravi ji who has played an integral part of my life and showed me the way ahead in life to read the Sai Satcharitra and keep seeking guidance from Baba. My husband has a habit of constantly talking to me in an abusive language. Previously, I was complaining and blaming him for our situation but since I started reading, I changed my perspective of his behaviour towards me and keep calm, thinking of Baba. It is our past karma as to why today, I am enduring financial issues and constantly questing for respect. Reading Satcharitra has given me the strength to keep walking with faith in Baba…
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
I had “invested a grand or so a long time ago – maybe 8 years ago? On this betting company that a good friend at the time said was a good way to get quick returns on. My gut didn’t think it was a good idea (I’m not into betting or gambling). But I was greedy and maybe foolish to trust him. Long story short – I never got the money back. I think I put in $1500. The company went missing in action and that was that.
It made me really upset – I mean it wasn’t a lot of money. Still….
So anyways this friend of mine (it wasn’t his company; it was his coach’s business) and I remained friends, but I never did any more investing with him or other friends. I’ve lost touch with this guy over the years.
Last week, I randomly got a call from him. He said he had something for me and needed my email. Now I wasn’t sure if it was more great business ideas. I emailed him and said things were good with me. I said I’m open to hearing about it, but I’m not interested in any business-related things. So, he responded yesterday and sent me 1000 out of his pocket saying he wanted to clear his karma etc. I am going to accept it to complete it. I’ll thank him for it. But it was just strange after all these years. I hadn’t even thought about getting that money back; I thought it was lost. I forgot about it. Since I joined Mahaparayan, there are few instances where it makes me think as to how much our every act is visible to God. Baba is a witness of all our actions, and he will account for it at the right time.
How strange!
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Being a Baba devotee for many years, I have always lived in pain and disappointment. My miseries were endless, my husband speaks very abusively with no respect, financial crisis, both my children though married with children are very unhappy, as they are constantly being dragged into further miseries. I always felt if ever there will be an end to the way all our lives are, but years are passing by with no change.
Through Ravi ji the co-ordinator of UK Mahaparayan, myself and my daughters joined the Mahaparayan group last year. Life started improving for both me and my daughters. I would like to share a very recent miracle and how Baba blessing touched me. I went to a movie with my younger daughter family and at the theatre they asked me to fill in one coupon. We got only one coupon which my daughters family filled in but one of the organisers, walked to me and gave me another coupon and said to fill it even though, it is only one coupon for family. I filled my details and put it in the box.
On Thursday, I got a call saying, my coupon was the winning coupon and I shall come to pick it up. In the evening my daughter went to pick the gift on my behalf and when she came back and told me that the gift was Baba picture, a holiday package, I was filled with happiness. Felt that Baba has come to me on a Thursday as a blessing and I have faith that he will one day improve mine and my children life’s.
Mrs Kumar
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
I am a student studying in Canada and joined Mahaparayan recently. I would like to offer my gratitude to Baba and Ravi ji who have given me this opportunity to read Shri Sai Satcharitra, as this has been a blessing. I got a new job, well it’s a minimum wage position, however I’m grateful as the timing is good. Finances are tough at the moment. I need something flexible with my school schedule and yet I can’t work lots of hours because I need to study. So, this position gives me free access to the gym (which I need because it makes me feel good), it possibly opens some doors for my manual therapy practice, who knows – maybe even teaching classes there!?! Baba you are a saviour and who knows better than you as to what is best for us!!! Love you for everything!!!!
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Thanks a ton, to this Mahaparayan group who has added me and given me an opportunity to come closer to baba by doing Mahaprayan.
My family is going under very bad phase since we lost our cousin brother last month.
My sister in law condition is also not good. She became senseless and stop responding to everything.
We were in very bad situation and prayed to baba to please save as she is having two small kids.
I posted in mahaprayan group for the blessing and exactly in one hour of my posting in the group for prayers she started responding and started to feel better. Again I heard in the next morning her condition was critical, I straight away urged to this group please pray for her.
I know baba never leave us alone he will help for sure and today I got to know she is getting discharged from hospital tomorrow and that is baba day Thursday.
Baba keep your blessing on us and our family.
I am waiting for one thing from last one year but till now it didn’t happen, may be u have other plans for me. Baba please do something as we need what I am asking from you since long.
All devotee keep faith on baba and surely, he will listen to our prayer.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
My name is Nalini. I would like to share my experience with Baba’s Leela during my Mahaparayan readings.
I misplaced my jewellery somewhere last month. I was very worried and searched everywhere. Everyone in our family helped me to look for it. But I couldn’t find it anywhere. I was asking Swami to help me. I always pray Baba whenever I am in problems and Swami helps me.
This time it took some time, but I still did not find jewellery. I was getting worried despite of the faith I carry in Baba. One Thursday I was going to take something from the cupboard, but I found my jewellery there. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Swami is great, we keep having question and worries but he takes care of us at all time. He helps his devotees always. Thank you, Baba.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
I can’t be enough thankful to all the group members of Mahaparayan for keeping my son in all your prayers & few members have personally approached to check on frequently about his recovery. I am touched with the kindness. Sai’s blessings & his mercy, my son recovered from the illness.
My son was having high temp, stopped eating he was surviving on just milk. He fell down on his back, had Fitts & became unconscious for 5-10 mins, his hands & feet were cold that was the moment, I felt really helpless and was praying to Sai to protect my son & was literally crying.
Somehow after sprinkling water & massaging his feet he got back to consciousness. Took him to doctor all the way, I was praying to Sai to protect my son & show his mercy. Posted in the group for prayers. By baba’s grace all the reports came up normal, no head injury. He was on medication for 3 days, I kept Sai’s picture under his pillow, applied vibudhi by praying to Baba. The fever which was constantly high for 2 days started going down. Now he is back to normal & feeling much better. Thank so much for all your prayers. I have come across so many miracles of Sai in my life. My son is a born fighter. I had to go through emergency c-section as he passed meconium & he was in NICU for 1 week. He himself is a Baba’s blessing in my life born on Gurupournami & his birth date is 9 which is auspicious as per Sathcharithra. Om Sai ram baba keep your blessings on everyone….
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Mummy couldn’t eat or drink much for weeks. She was getting more and more out of character – irritated, confused, tired. It was probably a combination of things going on. Regardless, my dad and I took her to emergency because it wasn’t getting better. I thought she might be dehydrated. First, I don’t know what would have happened if we waited till the next day (Monday).
Long story short, she was dehydrated, and she also had an electrolyte imbalance. So, she had to stay in the hospital until that was sorted. However, midway through the week, she began having trouble breathing. They were giving her a lot of fluid and it wasn’t draining out as fast. It was so hard to breathe, that she thought she was going to die. She hadn’t slept in two days for fear that she would not wake up. The doctor was telling me all kinds of stuff – how she has this, and she has that and that she may end up being in the hospital for the rest of her life!!
Her room was full of doctors and specialists trying to help ease her breath. I asked him to drain her abdomen (which had distended 2X its size). The doctor said it wouldn’t make much difference. He showed me x-rays of the water and said it was the size of a cheeseburger. When they drained it, it ended up being 2 L of water!!! And so, Baba was watching out for her…
Her electrolytes are better. Her breathing is normal now. We are home now. She’s eating and drinking more. She is weak, but she will get stronger, step by step, with Baba’s grace
Guru K
Baba has been kind and ever so loving. Joining Mahaparayan and specifically the support we receive from our co-ordinator Ravi ji has been a blessing in disguise. Am very thankful to the prayers that are done through Sai 9 healing and Mahaparayan group. Few weeks ago, the day doctor said there is an extra bone grown in my heel, it caused a lot of anxiety within me. However, by baba blessings today we met one more Ortho doctor, he said nothing happened to my heel and it is only inflammation which can be cured in one month they said. Thank you baba and Ravi ji.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
It’s been more than 2 weeks and I was not feeling well. Fearing this deadly virus was the reason, I was worried. I have taken vibudhi with water and the next day I was feeling fine.
One week passed well and I started again having body ache with mild fever and again not feeling good and was very tensed. I was literally crying that; I am not well what will happen and so many negative thoughts were coming. While going for sleep took vibudhi with water and gradually started feeling better and by baba’s grace. I am fine now and feeling all well.
We all know Baba does miracles, now my little one is having on and off cold and whenever he doesn’t feel good, I just put Udi on his forehead and after that he feels better. I have strong believe on Baba and I know he will always be there with his devotee’s. We should always remember Baba’s word ‘Shraddha and Saburi’. Om Sai ram.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Yesterday was Baba’s day which is Thursday and I gave my mother hold Baba’s book Shri Sai Satcharitra and gave her vibudhi and Amrit in water to drink. She was still very much not herself. I prayed Baba’s song by Lata and let her watch/listen to it.
Last night, I held Baba’s book with Sai Ram on my heart for a bit. I did it again when I woke up. I prayed that my mother eats and drinks and gets stronger. This morning I gave her Amrit and vibudhi mixed in water. She drank all of it this time. She held Baba’s book as well. While she didn’t eat or drink that much this morning, as the day progressed, she ate more and became more like her usual self. By the end of the day, she was using the washroom, walked around the house 3 times, took out her teeth and cleaned them by herself. She asked for food. She asked for water. Honestly, it felt like a miracle.
(A side note: the chapters that I read this Thursday were about the power of Udhi).
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
My niece was unfortunate to get the symptoms of coronavirus two weeks ago. I started taking part in Sai prayers and believed in Baba. When I learnt from my sister that, she had high temp and headache and paramedic visit, I was feeling very anxious.
Fortunately, she was not tested positive, but she was very weak, tired and her temperature did not go down. My sister did lamp to Baba and applied vibudhi for her forehead. In the meantime, I also did Baba’s lamp and read the chapters allocated for volunteer in the Mahaparayan group and Hanuman Chalisa. After Arti and on the completion of our prayers to baba and doorbell rang. My sister messaged me thanking for all the prayers and my niece was feeling better. We now wish all the prayers are heard and that my sister, our mum and family all appreciate the prayers.
Jai Shri Sai Ram. God is great. I see a smile back on my niece face. Thankyou Baba
Experience by Ravinder Bhamber
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Baba is in all our homes and at all times guarding us lovingly. I felt that I should share my experience…
As I was cleaning the bins which were dirty with hot water from kettle. My mum called me and being absent minded, I dropped the bin and the hot water ran all over my hand. It was terrible pain which was unbearable.
I felt like crying a lot going into my room. Somewhere I felt may be Baba wanted me to rest that is why this happened. I took a glass of vibudhi water and went to nap.
I run out of words when I write this as Baba came into my dream and was touching my hand where it was burnt and heard his loving voice saying to me that there won’t be much pain as he is there to take care of me.
When I woke up, amazing and my eyes were teary as one might believe it or not, not only did the pain get better, the bubbles are not. There as well. What can I say other than the words
“Baba is great”
Ravinder Bhamber
Ravi Bhamber
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
I was drawn to Baba earlier this year. There have been many times last year when I felt his presence but I was truly devoted to him March 2020 onwards. I was struggling passing an important higher education exam and had suffered a few setbacks. I visited Baba’s temple in London one of those days and got upset while praying to him but I left from there with hope and since then I felt a strong inclination towards him. Later I got in touch with the temple at London and immediately the priest connected with me and sent me a copy of the Sai Satcharitra and Udi which I received by post on a Thursday. I started doing Saptah parayan initially and I feel baba drew me into Mahaparayan. I had thought i will continue my own reading but woke up one day and literally registered within seconds and was enrolled. I acquainted with Ravinder Bhamber ji via Mahaparayan and she strengthened my bond and faith in Baba and re-assured me about my exams. The Mahaprayan started at the same time and within 3 weeks of Mahaparayan, Baba has showered his immense blessing on me and I passed two big examinations with high score. My entire revision period and wait for the result was so calm and peaceful and I truly surrendered to Baba.
I had also left eating my favorite food (chocolate) until I pass my exam after being inspired by a story in the Satcharitra
My career has been my biggest priority in life and after my initial undergraduate degree, it took me exactly 9 years and 9 months today to achieve another feather in my cap- so many hurdles and all this while i tried to persevere. I had really started thinking I will change my career path if unsuccessful this time but thankfully Baba did not let that happen!
I cannot describe how blessed I feel. He truly does miracles and I have experienced that many times in the last few months.
Faith and patience- Baba’s two most important life lessons. I have truly understood those while reading the Sat Charita.
May Baba continue to shower his grace and blessings on all of us.
Thank you for making me part of this wonderful initiative of Mahaparayan
My gratitude to Baba- my Guru, my Lord. Please forgive me for any mistakes and continue to guide me to become a better human being each day.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
When I had head bath this morning my right ear clogged from water and I was feeling really uncomfortable since then as could not hear anything. Tried everything to get relief nothing worked, Then I thought in mind let’s not waste time as I need to finish my daily Parayans before my son
wakes up & Anyway baba is going to cure it by the time I finish Parayan. Exactly when I finished my last Parayan my ear clog cleared & and all water from ear flowed out. I was just feeling so relieved all that discomfort disappeared. Such a blessing of Sai & his leelas. Though these are small things but brings us more closer to Sai. Baba has performed many miracles in my life and he has pulled me closer to Him.
Baba Keep Pouring your blessings on everyone
Om Shri Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
My Mahaparyan experience started on 11th June 2020 thanks to Ravi Ji.
Since January I have been suffering from a health issue which nobody could diagnose. My medication doses were so high and I could not cope daily. Also I lost my job and life was miserable.
After starting the Mahaparyan life changed immensely. Baba guided me to a specialist and finally dealt with my issue correctly. I came off all medication and the pain is going. I then received a fantastic job opportunity which combines my home and work. Life is positive happy and moving in all the right directions.
Baba is truly amazing. Totally surrender have Shraddha and sabra and watch how your life changes. Love you baba and Ravi for reconnecting me to baba. May our journey continue?
Sapna Bhandari
Sapna Bhandan
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Om sai ram
I would like to thanks this group or platform where devotee can post their experience and share their experiences with other devotees.
Wonderful work done by admin.
Again I have something to share with all the devotee as we all know the current situation is not good and in that if anyone having cough and cold how people will feel. This experience is all about the above mentioned things and yes I was so much worried as my hubby was having bad cold and caught little bit. I was literally so much tensed and praying to Baba please save my family with this virus.
My hubby went to bank and after coming from bank ,three days later he started sneezing and I was so much worried and prayed to baba please save us and keep on checking his temperature but always it came under 98.
Last Thursday when I check his temperature was 98.1 F and I get so much tensed and started chanting baba name and said to baba please come down his temperature from 98 and after chanting baba’s name and prayed to baba if temperature goes down will shared my experience on Sai my world and to my surprise his temperature was 97.5 after 15 min. I was little relaxed still he cough and I know baba will take care . My little fellow also started coughing little bit from today . Baba please keep him healthy and remove all the problems .
I am everyday doing Sai Kast nivaran and feel so relax after doing this.
Baba you know we are totally dependent on you and without your blessing can’t imagine our life. My son is your gift please always bless him with good health.
Baba be always with us we need you at every single moment.
Baba there is long pending wish which is yet to fulfil and you know how much important that is for me please fulfil my wish .
Please shower your blessing on us and save this world with this Pandemic.
Shraddha and Saburi your words I always keep in my mind.
Baba please take care of my baby and my family
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Sai Devotees Gurupournami Experience**
Guru Charitra speaks to me everyday through chapters allocated for that day
This is the first time I am reading this book
To my amazement today’s chapter speaks about Guru’s blessings to a devotee
And today is Guru Poornima and Guru is blessing all of us through this chapter
Thank you Ravi ji for starting this group
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Me, my parents and my sister went to Glasgow temple today. The temple will actually open for public from Wednesday but on special request the Pandit let us in for darshan. After coming back home, we were all looking at photos taken from today. I then realized that there are two photos of baba in my photo gallery from today. I checked our Mahaparayan group thinking that someone must have posted a photo there but that wasn’t the case. I looked in all my chats and I couldn’t find those photos sent to me from anyone. The time that is showing in my photo gallery for those photos are from when we were driving and no one touched my phone. What do you think it is?
Thank you
Miss Patel
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
I would like to thank Ravi ji for giving this opportunity to share our experience in this platform.
I just wanted to share my two experiences here .
1: From last two weeks I was having throat pain and mild fever and body ache as well. As everyone knows how is the situation is going around hence I was so much worried as the symptoms I was having was little scary hence I started taking udi with water for two and medicine as well but didn’t feel better. Hence I was literally scared and messaged Ravi that I’m not well please pray to baba that I should recover and Raviji also keep on asking about my health but there was not much improvement then I got panic since my throat pain not at all reducing and fever as well. I again pinged Ravi ji and said the same and continuously chanting baba name and then somewhere I read about Divya Jyoti. I started doing the same from Wednesday and meanwhile Raviji asked me to call. She took me on call and prayed to baba and said you will be alright.
I trust baba and know that he will take care of me and after that I started feeling better day by day and within weeks’ time I recovered fully by Baba grace.
Sometimes baba test their devotee as he always say keep saburi and things will be alright.
Sometimes we loose our patience and think negative but we always remember baba’s word “ Shraddha and Saburi” two powerful weapon to win with any situation.
2: last week my little fellow got fever and loose motion and I was literally so much worried and prayed to baba that if he will alright tomorrow motioning will post my experience and by baba’s grace next morning he was alright and we have consulted his paediatrician as well and he also said he is alright nothing to worry. From evening he was fine but still loose motion is there and I know baba will take and he will be alright with in days’ time.
Baba is here then why fear
He takes care of his devotees always
Baba please bless me and my family with good health and one wish is pending from long please fulfil my wish baba.
Baba without you I am nothing and can’t survive without my life starts from and end at you. You are my everything.
Om sai ram.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Being a Baba devotee, we everyday see some miracle happening in the day to day life. Baba is always there for his children. Here again I am sharing a new miracle which happened on 18th August.
Suddenly my mom started feeling flattering in her chest and we got tensed.
Three months ago, same happened and we rushed to the hospital and got to know due to gas this happened. This time also we thought the same and gave medicine to my mom and prayed to Baba that if my mom feels better, I will post the experience and like always this time also Baba listened to us and my mom got recovered.
Baba please take care of my mom and dad and my little one. You are everything for me and you know without you nothing is there.
Baba came in our life in different form as Ravi ji is always there for me and helped me.
Baba please bless and always be there for your devotees.
Sapna K
Shirdi Sai Baba devotee from group MP5085 says:
When BABA decided that I was ready to do Mahaparayan, HE made me sign up for it.
Before a group was allotted to me, a thought crossed my mind that I hope my group number adds to number 9. I had recommended parayan to a friend too and he got added to a group before me and started with Mahaparayan, whereas I was so desperate to be part of a group.
But I waited patiently and you all can see the digits of this group add up to number 9 and the parayan was to start in August, instead we started in July.
Thank you SAI BABA.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram to all, I’m part of MP5077 group and joined on 24th Oct 2019.
I must share how Baba blessings helped us during the hard times which we have undergone. My husband was not able to come to a positivity due to depression, stress with losing his job in June 2019 before 6 months of his Permanent residency.
He had commitments back in India and commitments here in the UK. As soon as losing his job, he started looking for work and his interviews were never been successful. His behaviour worried me as he has gone into depression due to his job tension and financial tensions.
Most of the job offers were dropped in his initial stages of interviews due to visa restrictions. He was even humiliated due to no work and he used to ask Sai Baba why this is happening to me. But he has not lost hope in Baba as his tongue always chants “Om Sai Ram”.
He was gone into depression, stress due to the situation where he needs to support his parents, run the family, and pay for the bills. It was a trauma. However, by Baba’s grace and blessings he has got his ILR without any obstacles. “Om Sai Ram”.
In January 2020, we visited Baba Temple in Leicester and prayed to him to help me in removing obstacles. Performed Sai Satya Vratham and this helped him a lot to come out of depression. Within days he got a job and was going fine but due to this COVID pandemic, he was been told to go furlough and on the same day, I was also sent on furlough and we are at risk of losing employment and we are starting to get tensed. We believed in Baba and his blessings. We are sure that he will be showing us a path and with patience, it will take a little bit of time. As he said, “Do not worry how others think about you keep faith in me, I will look after you”.
He started reading Sai Baba Parayanam daily for the last 12 days and a miracle happened, there is so much difference in his behavior and he became more peaceful. He was asked for an interview with a company on the same day he started my readings. All the interviews were finished and he has been offered a job and I can’t say the joy and happiness within myself and my family. He is now relaxed and happy as he is going back to work after 1 year.
We never lost hope in Baba blessings without his mandate nothing will happen. Believe in Sai Baba and he will remove the difficulties in your life.
Om Sai Ram
Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Dibakar Bhuyan ji says:
“I am a member of MP-5085, Sai Kasth Nivaran Group & recently joined Navratri Parayan group. I have a prayer request.
I am going through a very difficult situation of my life. I am in such a position that I had thought of committing suicide many a times but couldn’t commit, don’t know why. I am crying and my heart is out in front of Baba everyday but Baba isn’t listening don’t know why!
I had taken loan from bank and some of my colleagues and invested in a financial organization through my cousin brother and his friend. From last 1 year they are betraying me. They are not giving my money back and even not listening to me. But I was somehow managing by repaying the interest & EMIs to bank & to my colleagues till March. During March due to lockdown, our office closed & my salary also stopped. Then also, I somehow managed to repay my debts from my little savings, for another one month only.
Then the tragedy came, where I didn’t have money at all & they were knocking at my door almost everyday for their payments. So I mortgaged mine & my wife’s jewellery, surrendered my insurance policy & took loan from my PF account & paid them & managed my day to day expenses for another 2 to 3 months. Then again I became helpless, I had to pay the loan EMI, pay credit card bills, pay my colleagues, manage my day to day expenses like medicines, ration etc..Now I am in such a condition that I am hiding from the bank recovery persons & from my colleagues who are visiting my home regularly for payment. Even I had stopped buying medicines for my wife from last 3 months who is a diabetic patient & takes regular medicine. I don’t know how I will survive. During this lockdown period I came across Mahaparayan group & joined. I had done Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat & done parayan on Guru Purnima day, done 7 days Parayan also. I had done whatever I can do to come close to my Baba who is the only saviour of my life. I am Baba’s devotee from last 10 years & doing daily Sai Satcharitra parayan from last 1.5 years. But I don’t know why all these calamities fall upon me & why Baba is not listening to me & giving so much pain which I am unable to bear now. If I have committed any sins please Baba forgive me & please Baba show me the path & do some miracle so that the situation becomes normal.
Sorry Ravi ji if I have troubled you. Baba isn’t listening to me, I couldn’t find anyone whom I could convey my problems to, so I have messaged you. Please pray on my behalf, I hope Baba listens to your prayers.
Thank you. Om Sai Ram ji ”
I sent the above msg to Ravi ji on 22nd October. I don’t know why I chose Ravi ji. Maybe Baba wanted to guide me through her. From that day, I found Ravi ji as my Guru who holds my hand & is guiding me in every step of my life. Then she gave me hope that all will be fine. Baba will definitely clear all my problems and to keep faith on him. On the same day after getting hope from Ravi ji, I got a picture message from the website in which Baba says: Dont fear. I am myself there and guarding you and your family.
Ravi ji told me she felt that Baba wants to help me. Then she advised me to leave one of my favorite food for 21 days & donate food on the 21st day. She also asked me to visit temple & donate food on Saturday (24th Oct). I had only little amount left with me which I had kept for my wife’s doctor appointment fees. I thought if Baba wants me to spend for the noble work by donating food then I will do it & left everything in Baba’s hands. I spent the money & donated food as per Ravi ji/ Baba’s instruction and was left with no money.
After food donation In the afternoon I got a call from our finance manager & I thought whether anything was wrong or I have to pay something. While going to his office I was chanting Baba’s name continuously. There Baba made showed the miracle, our FC gave me some money which I had never expected.
I can’t express my feelings when I received the money. I came out from his office & immediately informed Ravi ji about this. While writing the message to Ravi Ji I was just crying and my tears were not stopping at all. Though the amount is less but for the current situation it is huge. At least I can manage my daily expenses for few days & can pay 1 or 2 EMI’s. I know Baba had shown his presence & he will definitely show me some path & clear all my problems. Just we have to keep faith & patience on him.
Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Rittu says:
“Om Sai Ram
Baba blessed me with another experience. We started interior work in our home and everything was going smoothly but one day the contractor stopped responding to our calls and his mobile was switched off.
Me and my husband were so worried as we had already paid him 60 percent of the amount. Then I messaged Raviji and shared my problem and she said she will check.
Surprisingly, he called us back in the night and said he met with an accident hence his phone had got switched off. We were a bit relaxed to know that work would continue. Unfortunately, we had to cancel the contract with him as work was not proceeding as per commitment.
Baba please help us to get back the money from him.
Baba you always help your devotee in any form and never leave them alone.
Om Sai Ram “
Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Rittu says:
“Om Sai Ram
Again Sai Baba has blessed me with a miracle recently.
Two weeks back on Saturday my little one’s vaccination was planned. We went to the hospital and did the vaccination. Since his birth, he gets fever whenever vaccination is done, so this time as well we were mentally prepared for the same.
We reached home and my little fellow slept. We too finished our lunch. Suddenly he started crying continuously and he was shivering . That was the very first time this was happening as my baby never shivered after last two vaccinations and this was the first instance that he was literally shivering and crying like anything.
I got scared and started chanting Baba’s name and put Udi on his forehead and one day Ravi ji had told me take the name of “Sai Samadhi” and at that time I started chanting “Sai Samadhi” continuously and covered him with two blankets as his palm and feet were chilled. Me and hubby both thought of rushing to the hospital but my hubby asked me to apply mustard oil and massage continuously. We started massaging and within 15 minutes he was completely alright and started talking to us.
I thanked Baba as I know he only helped us. Baba always keep showering your blessings on us without you I am nothing.”
Ravi Kaur
Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Shiva says:
“ Om Sai Ram
My group number is MP5084, I would like to share my experience, instead I can say, I love to share My Baba’s (Father) blessings which he showers always in my life. So many blessings I have got from my Baba. I would like to share few blessings:
I am a devotee of Sai Baba for more than 10 years, but I was not aware of Mahaparayan groups for all these years.
I had completed two full readings of Sai Satcharitra book when I was pregnant with my first and second son. After kids, managing office and house work I was not able to read Sai Satcharitra properly but occasionally by Baba’s grace and blessings I used to chant 108 names of Sai Baba on Thursdays, sometimes that also was not possible for me. So I took an oath not to eat non-veg on Thursdays as I am not able to observe fast or not able to pray every Thursday.
But for so many years I was thinking that I have to connect with Baba in some way throughout my life and not only in the times when I was in trouble or stress.
That blessing I got in this year 2020!!! Om Sai Ram
Every Thursday before I start my office work first I used to google search for Sai Baba’s motivational quotes. On 18th June 2020 miracle happened, when I was searching for Baba’s quote, I saw the pop up was about Global Mahaparayan. I was not aware what that was, but I filled the form and joined the group on 26th June 2020 and the group started parayan on 2nd July 2020. Once I started parayan I could feel lot of changes in myself, for example, I am able to manage stress in my day to day life at both office and home.
Fifteen days back my younger son caught cold and mild fever because he played in water, I gave him home made kashayam (like ayurvedic syurp) and I prayed a lot to Baba that in two days time my son’s cold should go off and we should not need to visit the hospital. With Baba’s blessings, without going to the hospital he was fine in 3 days time. Thanks a lot Baba for being with us always.
I sincerely thank Ravi ji and Ansa Lama ji for clarifying my questions at all times.
Baba is always with us all the time, whatever be our karma we have to get through hard times positively and surely we can come out from difficult situations easily with our Baba’s blessings.
Always we have to keep in mind our Baba’s teachings of ‘PATIENCE and FAITH’. With Baba’s blessings whatever we require will reach us at the right time, I believe that. We have to totally surrender ourselves to our Baba.
Om Sai Ram
Bolo Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai “
Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Shiva says:
“Hello, I’m an anonymous Sai devotee from India. I got to know about Mahaparayan through Ravi Bhamber ma’am. She inducted me in the group and there were only few seats left and I got in.
When I joined my life was in shambles, I was without a job, and in debt. I was also very troubled and my health was in shambles.
After joining Mahaparayan, I immediately got a job by Baba’s grace. The job was exactly how I had asked with the salary, position, location, timings, people were all exactly what I asked Baba for. The lockdown happened and Baba guided me to a place where I could work and heal. Now, nine months down the line and I have cleared one fourth of my debts and I’m healthier than I was.
Ravi ma’am has been a blessing in disguise and has guided and helped me in various issues anytime I have reached out to her. Moreover, I feel I gained a family, the Mahaparayan family. Even though we don’t communicate I feel that I have a place to lean on and the faith that everything is getting better.
I love Baba and am grateful to Ravi ma’am for her guidance and unconditional support!
Om Sai Ram “
Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Haritha ji says:
“I have experienced a miracle today. Actually few days back, I thought of offering puran poli made with roti and jaggery to Baba but could not do so because of some or the other reason.
But today from morning somehow I was having this feeling that I have to do it today. Due to busy household chores , I was not confident whether I will be able to make or not. To my surprise Baba had planned everything so well that I got just enough time to do the roti (puran poli). We offered it to Baba and I started reading chapter 8. In this very chapter Babas Bikshaatana was narrated and how Baba used to ask for roti. After reading this, I had goosebumps and tears in my eyes. I felt like Baba had asked me to give roti today. Also, in the 9th chapter it is mentioned that Baba always reminds those who forgets to give the offering they thought of giving. Really Baba had reminded me to give the offering today.
Both the chapters which I read today has strengthened my feeling that Baba is right around me, seeing me, blessing me and helping me to do the right things in my life. Thank you Baba for everything.
Om Sai Ram ”
Shirdi Sai Baba devotee says:
Om Sai Ram
I am a small devotee of Baba. He has blessed me with many experiences till date. I was totally unaware of Mahaparayan. Baba chose me to be a part of Mahaparayan earlier this year. Mahaparayan was introduced to me by my mother. Baba has beautifully connected my family through Mahaparayan.
I am from MP5082 group. I am currently captain of two houses and with Baba’s blessings started my role as a teacher in Baba’s classroom yesterday, 15th October.
Being 15th October, yesterday morning, I was thinking of Baba as it was on this date back in 1918 that Baba took Mahasamadhi. For some reason, I wished if I were allotted the chapter related to that day. I knew for sure Baba was aware of all the thoughts going on in my mind. The chapter allotted to me was a different one.
I couldn’t remember the chapter number which narrates Baba’s passing away’. The only way I could read that chapter was by volunteering to read if at all there was a request for the same.
I got busy with my schedule for the day and totally forgot about my wish to read that chapter. In the evening, I volunteered to read chapters 50,51 and Aarathi for two separate devotees. I was extremely happy having got a chance to sing the Aarathi. Even then I didn’t remember my wish to read the chapter related to Baba’s Mahasamadhi.
At around 9.20 pm, I was having a conversation with Ravi ji via messages when I said to her that we were short of experiences to be sent out the following day, 16th October. She immediately replied ‘Wait we will get more’. My WhatsApp notification popped up at that very instant, requesting for a volunteer to cover ‘Chapter 42’. I was able to read at that time (around 9.30pm) and volunteered for the same.
I checked ‘Chapter 42’ in the index on the pdf file and couldn’t believe my eyes that the chapter was ‘Baba’s Passing Away’. Baba had acknowledged my wish. I felt his presence and immense happiness at that instant. I thanked him a million times. Baba is listening all the time, you only have to pray to him with full faith and devotion.
Sai Maa please continue to bless all your devotees and shower your blessings on them. Draw more and more devotees to you through Mahaparayan.
My association with Sai Baba is not long, rather I would say I had only heard about him just like all other God’s. I had no in depth knowledge about him or his leelas.
It was in Dec 2018 that Baba called me to Shirdi. As every year we try and visit a pilgrimage place so this year we decided to visit Shirdi just like that. The Darshan was blissful. Then in March 2019 a friend of mine mentioned about reading chapters every Thursday as she was in a group, so I told her whenever any group starts she should inform me as I would like to join.
Then in October 2019 my dad was diagnosed with Rectal cancer and I was shattered as I had lost my mum in 2013 to cancer . This is the time I needed support and the good news came to me regarding starting of the Mahaparayan group 5077 in October and I joined it immediately as though it was Baba’s way of calling me to him. From that time there is no looking back. I find myself more calm and composed and have full faith in Baba.
Last year as my dad was due for his major surgery I was just praying to Baba to give me strength and help in the recovery of my dad and again Baba was with me. As it was Covid times so I had to stay in India for about 4 months and I became a staunch devotee of Baba. As I didn’t have much to do in India during lockdown so I started reading Sat Charita, also other mantras like Sai Kasht Nivaran mantra, Durga Chalisa and daily reading of Sai Nitya Parayan. I felt much at peace with myself and also it gave me so much strength to bear the illness of my dad.
Thanks to Baba my dad recovered well post surgery. In November, his scheduled tests were due and a node in th lung was detected, and as it was so small doctor said we cannot do anything now so let’s wait till February for a Pet scan. I was shattered as to why this is happening to me again. But then again I gathered my courage and prayed to Baba to take care as earlier. In February 2021 the scan revealed that node had doubled and I was very sad to hear it . Then a biopsy was done and results were awaited, I spoke to Raviji and she gave me confidence not to worry and that Baba will take care . The three weeks from the scan till biopsy were very stressful for me as the thought of loosing a parent is very disturbing. I just prayed to Baba as my only hope. The report which was supposed to come on Friday was delayed by 3 days and came on Wednesday and then the miracle of miracles happened. Doctor said that the node was an infection and not cancerous. I was so much relieved I can’t even express in words. I have heard people saying miracles happen but never knew I would witness one myself.
Baba is great. My faith and belief on him is so strong now that whenever i have any problems I just ask him to take care and also know that he is always there to guide me.
Whenever I visit India next, I will be visiting Shirdi for sure.
Om Sai Ram
Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Divya says:
Guru Charitra Parayan
In the beginning of August this year, I had a yearning to read Guru Charitra. Everyday I used to get the intuition that I will be reading soon. I prayed to Baba to give me an indication.
On 6th August, Ravi Ji asked me if was able to volunteer as Captian for the Guru Charitra group starting on 19th August. I was astonished and immediately agreed. I thought of asking Ravi Ji if I could read in the group but I hesitated as it was late and the admins had already set the group. Also, I was eagerly looking for purchasing the book online. I could find some copies via Amazon but none would arrive before 19th August.
I could only think of Ravi Ji and asked her. She instantly said that she would check and let me know. She messaged the same evening and said she can post me the printed copy. I was feeling bad to have unecessarily troubled her.
I received the book 4 days later and also got a space in the group to read and I am reading at present.
I am ever so grateful to Baba and Ravi Ji
Om Sai Ram to all devotees
I am Jagruti.
With Baba’s blessings i can share my one more experience with you all. I joined this group last February. I really appreciate people who are doing great work for this group. Raviji you are such a guardian angel for me. I was connected with Baba through you. You are constantly in touch with me in my crucial time. After three months of joining this group I conceived twins and with Baba’s blessings my whole pregnancy was very smooth. I put Udi every day and was taking blessings from Baba. Early morning at the eight month my water broke and without pain I delivered two baby boys. They were underweight so they needed NICU support. After three days the smaller one was infected there was 97% bacterial infection in his stomach. Doctor had also lost hope. Me and my husband were so worried about his health all the reports were abnormal. But I had faith in Baba. I continued praying to Baba, I went to NICU and put Udi on his head and stomach. Suddenly i remembered Ravi Ji and I messaged her and coincidentally my Baba’s angel was in Shirdi and I told the situation so she constantly prayed for my child and in the critical situation I felt i was talking to Baba through Ravi Ji. After one week report was quite good there was some improvement of his health the medicine worked and all our prayers worked. Today I am getting my child back and he is normal now. Baba is a magician..Keep faith in Baba’s magic. Baba is always listening to our prayers and gives us blessings.
Baba you gave me my child back. Keep blessings on my family and all your devotees.
Om Sai Ram
Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Nira says:
Jai Sai Ram
I have known Ravi for a long time having met her at Shirdi Sai Baba’s Mandir in East Ham. I have always been intrigued by the work Ravi has done and was keen to learn about healing prior to meeting Ravi. It was a great opportunity to work with Ravi, who not only is my best friend but is also my sister. When I came to visit Ravi, I was suffering from cervical spondylitis, a chronic illness often causing me a lot of pain and agony in my day to day life. I had to retire from work early on medical grounds due to my condition which caused me to lose my independence and confidence as a person. I wanted my back pain to disappear and with the help of Ravi’s healing sessions and her connection through Baba, I have noticed a massive change in my health and overall well-being. At the start I was skeptical about whether I should join the healing sessions with Ravi, but I can boldly say that it was the best decision I made for myself having visited Ravi. Not only have I gained confidence in myself, I have been able to confide in Ravi about my concerns and worries which she has so effortlessly helped me with through her dedication, time and patience to ensure that I am left feeling lighter after each session. Ravi is non-judgmental and very professional in the way she works and takes her ability to help others seriously, which in turn makes the full healing experience worthwhile. I felt that a problem shared with my guru, Sai Baba and Ravi was always a problem halves or completely disappeared. My son lost his vision in his right eye and there still appears to be no changes but I trust in the process and in Baba and Ravi’s healing and am confident that he will help my son recover. The healing sessions have helped not only me, but my family on a whole and for that we will forever be grateful and appreciative of what we have gained as well as learnt through the process. As a firm believer of Baba, I am confident that with faith and patience Baba will help answer all of your prayers when the time is right.
I met Ravi Ji the day before she was leaving for India to go to Shirdi. I told her to pray for my daughter she wanted to have a baby, she had tried IVF 4 times and that had not worked.
Few months back she went Barcelona for IVF and the doctors told my daughter that she can’t conceive with her eggs naturally and she will have to donate her eggs to conceive. Her husband agreed and both are happy. They did accordingly and now she is 3 months pregnant. We are hoping with Baba’s blessings everything is alright till December end.
Shree Sai Ram
Mrs Patel
Mrs Patel
Having been a baba devotee for the past 18 years and the first place, where I would lay down all my problems and anxieties was at Baba feet. Life was not normal; I was going through lot of pain both mentally and was feeling physically exhausted day by day. None of my relationships were working, be it with my husband, son, parents or sister. I lived with self-doubt if everything about me was wrong. All day I lived with my husband constantly talking to me a manner which is beyond words and son totally not developing. There was a constant feeling that was haunting me about my own past that I am responsible for the entire situation.
A very close friend of mine suggested the route of having healing could be beneficial. Especially by than I carried a stigma, that I could not go through proper counselling route, as none at home will give me the support for going ahead. At that very point, I was going through every possible crisis both financial, emotional and was decease ridden with fears, as to what will come next.
More than anything my son was getting into a bad state. At home, I had a husband who would not allow me to say anything to our son. I believe he was so lost that; he held my sons’ hand in the same direction. Son would not study but just sleep, eat and play video games. I felt life out of control and started giving up. I had severe stress and behaved very negative towards everyone and everything. Gradually the God form Saibaba, that I pray was also not connecting to me. Felt like breaking marriage, breaking all ties.
In November 2018, finally went to Sai9 Healing center. Initially I was very skeptical, as I felt from experience that there are many people in the world, who will tell god’s name and take money, will give assurances that life will get better and still nothing happens. My mom got many pujas done; my life never changed. Also, always the thought of paying an hourly rate with no money in the bank was very hard. My first thoughts were healing will burn every suffering in 10 sessions and once my past karma is done, my life will be better. Each session I will be thinking only few more left to pay. There were also sessions, where I will plan before hand and want to cover all these topics and use my intelligence to think that it will finish soon if I cover all the areas. I go into session and the healer (Ravinder Bamber) will be talking all general topics. I am seeing time and money at that point.
It took me 3 months to first learn to sit in the healing session. The healer tried everything she could to first understand me and stop me from controlling the sessions. She felt that even before I undergo healing, I must first stop being manipulative and let it flow through rather than over exercising, planning of what the outcome is. She decided to first start life coaching with simultaneous healing happening during the session. Over period, I realized that if you think that healer will burn your karma and fix everything, then that is not the case. A Healer will take you out of the current path which you are yourself creating and put you on an ideal path, but walking will have to be done by you not the healer. A healer will educate you as to what divine will is and what human will can do. The process will energize your inner self to stand up and confront life instead of blaming others or god or past karma for it. If there is a process that can wash out all karma, then this world and era would have straight away run for it. This can only happen when you are ready for it and god is willing for it to happen.
Gradually I started to feel a shift within me. The shift was as, I was venting out my true self and my past experiences in the session, I noticed that they are gradually leaving my system. The experience that I underwent in this life was still sitting in my memory strong rock solid. Even if it was as a child, if I felt compromised, that was a foundation for my today. Every human experience that we undergo is so important, as what we put our self is what we are. What I felt as my system later, I realized that it was sub-conscious mind. It is powerful than what one can imagine. It is the very cause as to what you are manifesting in your mind. When you are thinking, when you are talking, it all feels normal but once you get aware of the power of sub-conscious mind, that is when you start being conscious of your inner self. I started to connect to the healing process and the power of what exactly it is doing to me. Life coaching has allowed me to introspect on my own self, not just what I present to others but showed the mirror of my inner self. Gradually over a year, I myself can see what I could have done better, where to let go. Healing enabled me to understand that no matter what you do, you cannot change the situation you are placed in, but it cleanses your sub-conscious mind and in turn give you power to handle the situation.
When healing happens to a member of family, it has an impact on the entire family in one way or the other. My husband was terribly ill for few months, during that phase there was not a second that I was broken at heart. If before healing I was placed in that situation, I would be sobbing, crying, counting on the miseries and fill myself with self-doubt. I was not up to mark with my thinking and had fears but gradually the situation was handled much in control due to the way I evolved over the period of healing. Don’t expect miracles to happen but keep walking. Being as humans I guess; we all want life to be give us everything easily but what we sow we have to reap.” ACCEPT IT “that is what healing is about. It engrains that message into you and endorses that instead of conquering others, conquer your own self.
Today there are many changes in my life, I keep focus on silencing my mind. I understand the power within rather than seeking externally. Still lot to improve, lot to evolve but it is a journey that just started. Today I no longer think of running away from pain but face it with courage. Husband health improved and son is doing much better and I can make effort to keep persuading the level of acceptance. I suffered from many diseases such as anger, hatred, vengeance, fear, jealousy, self -doubt, but today I am more aware than ever of every thought that passes through my mind and have the power raise my awareness to raise over and above that thought. Still have my moments where I make few make wrong judgements and false calls but at least, I accept that the world is not perfect.
Mrs Singha
Few weeks ago, I was very badly sick. It felt as if the ground under my feet is being taken away. High temperature, severe pain in the finger with swelling, poor cough and cold. My body stopped co-operating with me. As it was the day of my healing, I just made effort to go to the healing center. I was getting hot; my breathing was hard and was feeling suffocated. As the healer asked me lie down, I rested. While I was resting for 10 min, she did healing. It is unbelievable to see how in few minutes my body which was running down a temperature of 105 degree was sweating. Felt energetic and my voice came. It was surprise as all I could feel is as if a thread was pulled out of me and I got fine and better. Again, the grace of God I guess which gives these healers the tools to do what they are doing.
Mrs kapoor
My name is Nisha and I am from Bangalore, India. I reached out to Ravi Di, early this year, in times of great distress. My mother was very unwell and I found her contact online. Ravi Di responded immediately and our connection started from there. I have had about 10 healing sessions with Ravi Di and what i like most, is her poise. She knows exactly what the issue is and how it has to be dealt with in a step by step manner. She has a great connect with Baba and is completely in sync with him. You have to experience a session with her to understand this concept better. I definitely recommend her healing sessions and I feel I have made a friend for life.
I’m thankful to you for bringing me back to life I had met with an accident and was operated and was not able to move your prayers bring me back to the life thank you Ravi Bhamber you are a genius person thank you so much.
Ravinder has helped me at a crucial period in my life where I faced bottlenecks such as academic progress. She instilled belief in me when I had all but given up and helped me pass an exam after multiple attempts. Her unique style and honesty set her aside from most and you can’t help but heed her advice as her belief in you are amazing. This was amongst many issues she has helped me to overcome and I can’t thank her enough. I have no doubt that many others will benefit from her knowledge and faith as I have.
M Singh
Sai 9 healing gave me perspective and direction in my life at a time when I needed It most. Ravinder is direct in her approach but that’s exactly what I What I needed and I wouldn’t ask her to change. I have been able to Discuss things candidly and as a result, find the root cause(s) of Certain issues that I couldn’t otherwise make sense of. I was initially skeptical about the whole healing process but if anything, I believed in keeping an open mind and giving this a chance. I find I’m now calmer, less impulsive (most times) and tend to plan my life Better. In summary, I’m glad I met Ravinder and she has coached me Through a difficult period and in particular, with regards my career this went somewhat off track last year. I’m now waiting to begin a New chapter with renewed optimism.
M Singh
I found Ravi to be extremely helpful and approachable with any Questions asked. She has time and empathy and uses her knowledge well For guidance. I would recommend her as a source of positive application To your life path.
I feel incredibly blessed to have had sessions with Rav. She has Helped me to change my life positively. She has guided me and together We have meditated and visualized the positive changes I wanted in my Life. She believed in my dream and gave me the strength to focus on It whole heartedly. It is amazing how Rav’s advice is always right. Her strong belief system of Sai baba allowed me to believe in myself And my visualization turned into reality. Thank you so much for your
Support Rav. It has been an incredible journey and I feel like a Different person.
I’ve been seeing Ravinder since February this year and due to distance I’ve had some sessions in person and some over the phone. Ravinder is very direct with her counselling advice at times she can be tough but I know it’s for my own good. I have had my ups and down during the treatments but with Ravinder spiritual guidance and advice I am overcoming my fears and dealing with life’s challenges positively. Ravinder has given me reiki treatment which has left me feeling rejuvenated. At my last session after my reiki i was able to put my coat on without pain i was amazed. I leave the sessions feeling relaxed. The messages Ravinder receives through her spirit guides always amaze me and the meditation she talks me through leaves me feeling stress free. Ravinder truly has a special gift and I would recommend her to anyone with any kind of personal problem.
I had back/neck pains for over a year. I went for chiropractor sessions however nothing seemed to work. I also wanted to start my next stage in life and meet my potential partner however i had no luck in the last 10 years of meeting anyone. I started sessions with Ravinder in May and I was speechless with how much she had picked up from my energy. Everything she said resonated with how I felt at the time. She helped restore faith in a completely differently way then I have ever experienced before. After 3 sessions, my neck/back pain started to ease I realized my energy was stuck in parts of my body that was causing the pain. Every session Ravinder made sure there was a clear structure on how we are going to proceed and what will be next. She knew right from the beginning I will meet my potential partner however at the time i honestly couldn’t even imagine that happening. After 4 months attending sessions with Ravinder, I met a guy who I can honestly say is a dream come true. He exceeds beyond my expectation in what I was looking for.
Thank you so much for all the support and guidance you have given me over the past 8 months. I have dealt with my past which has put my back and neck pain at ease and I have met my partner. I would highly recommended Sai 9 to anyone who needs support and guidance to achieve their goals. Attending sessions with Ravinder has been the best investment in myself.
I am beyond grateful, THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Miss Kaur
Sai 9 healing helped me look at my life in a different light. I was always very negative and never had a positive thing to say about my life, and didn’t have a relationship because I thought that there was no one out there for me. A friend recommended Sai 9 healing, at first i was sceptical and did not believe in healing etc., but i needed to turn my life around. I was glad i went i was asked questions that no one has ever asked me and was coached through my thoughts and negative feelings. I was given homework and this was discussed in my sessions, after my first session I felt different and light like a load had been lifted. As i went further with my sessions I found my outlook on life changed, and people seemed to be happier around me. One day i was standing in a restaurant waiting to be seated and i dropped my lipstick out my bag and a gentleman picked it up and handed it to me. While I had dinner with a friend, the gentleman was leaving and as he left he handed his number to me. I was delighted but again not sure, I told Ravi what happened and she encouraged me to contact him, and I did and we met had dinner and 2 years on I am now marrying him. Sai 9 Healing really helped me in changing my outlook in life and supported me throughout my treatment. Excellent service and made my life meaningful again.
Rebecca Thompson
I started seeing Ravi nearly 3 years ago. During this time I have seen a lot of changes in my life, specifically from a work perspective and family also. She is an incredible positive influence in my life and I have grown in ways that I did not think was possible. It hasn’t been easy but up until now she has always been right and the guidance she receives from Sai Baba of Shirdi has always been correct.
Stephanie Taylor
Sai9 Healing and its healer, Ravi Bhamber, have changed my life completely. I was at difficult place in my life and need some direction and to feel optimistic in my life again. Ravi Bhamber’s mission is to make a Better version of you and this is exactly what she achieved with Me. She takes the time to listen to every problem you have, help and guide you through this. Ravi knows exactly what she is doing, you instantly feel comfortable with her and can trust her. I am now in a place where I can feel good and happy about myself, I would have not made it here without her help. She takes every factor in your life and turns it to a positive, I am now a believer. Honestly the best Decision I made in my life was coming to Sai9 healing, I would highly recommend it.
Gary Thomas
Thank you Ravinder Bhamber for the sessions.
My back hasn’t felt this good in years ….. No amount of medication, exercise or therapy has helped. The pain hasn’t completely gone yet, but it feels so much better. I’m amazed at the astounding powers of reiki and your kind self. I have always believed in super natural abilities and energies in this world. This has made it easier for me to “allow” the healing to happen, which, in my opinion, is imperative for reiki to work. I am eagerly awaiting our next session.
I am delighted to recommend Ravi Bhamber as a healer and spiritual medium. I have used her services several times and I have been really happy each time. She has so far been a real source of strength to me. Following the teachings of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi, Ravi has always provided timely advice and guidance that has so far helped me in several situations. I cannot recommend her services enough. I hope that she will grow from strength to strength. I have no doubt that she will continue to be the wonderful person she is while doing so. I wish her all the very, very best.
I went to Sai 9 healing about 5 years ago as i was suffering from low confidence and didn’t feel like I achieved anything in my life. At first I was sceptical about the healing process, but once I got there I was made to feel comfortable and also felt like I could talk about anything.
I spoke about my problems and difficulties I was having getting a job and how I felt about myself when I looked in the mirror. I was asked to write little chapters about my life the highs and low and then asked to write about what I would like to be. Sai 9 showed me different ways to see the world and how to look at myself too. It was only small activities I was asked to do but these small things made me see life differently.
All I can say is THANK YOU SO MUCH Sai 9 for all the support and guidance you have given me over the years. I now can say I love myself and I also have my dream job and a lovely kind partner in my life. I have recommended Sai 9 to all my friends and family because they can’t believe the changes in me.
Emma Clayton
I started seeing Ravi 2 years ago for issues related to stress at work and coming out of a very draining relationship. I came back to see her again as she had helped me so much, not only to handle stress better but also to look at my life in a much more positive light. She has always been so accurate in everything she picks up on and even told me that I would meet someone new, whom I did and even the characteristics of the man were correct. It hasn’t been easy but I’m learning more and more through my sessions with her about myself and what I need to work on. We really have an effect on our own lives by our thoughts, feelings etc. I highly recommend her.
I have been speaking to Ravinder for over a year now and have just managed to see her in person in January of this year. As soon as I entered Ravinder’s healing centre I felt a sense of calmness and felt was in the right place to be healed. Ravinder started the session off with a prayer and then through her spiritual guidance she started my treatment. I was amazed at the questions she was asking me they just seemed very relevant to my situation. Ravinder finished the session with some hands on healing, the energy and healing from her hands was very strong and I felt very relaxed at the end of the session. I highly recommend Ravinder, she is a very blessed lady who has a very special gift.
Mrs Kaur
I found Ravi’s guidance and support of great benefit during tough and doubtful periods. Reaffirms ones faith and helps humbly when asked to.
Raj K
I have been going to Sai9 for over 3 years and at first with all new things I was sceptical about the healing stuff, but I was going through a though time and needed some kind of help . Once I was there Ravi made me comfortable and at home and did not force me to talk about anything I didn’t want to talk about. Once I finished talking Ravi told me things about me and was asked to write a diary about my thoughts and feelings over the last few years (family, relationships and work).
Once I started writing I couldn’t put my pen down and even cried at times while writing. The second session I had was great we talked about everything and I felt like a weight had been lifted. Ravi told me a few things to do and say to myself when I was having horrible days. Eventually Ravi gave me a healing crystal and told me to hold it if I lost focus or needed a direction and found that it really helped me to focus. My life seemed to be going on track and the healing really helped.
Three years on I feel content and happy with my life and don’t get me wrong I have my bad days but it’s so easy for me to think of the positives in my life rather than the negatives. I am very grateful to Ravi and the amount of effort and time she put into me and would be happy to recommend her to family and friends. I have seen a massive difference in my life and feel more confident than ever before. Thank you for your help and support.
Ravi is a gifted soul who will listen to all your problems and give a solution, remedy and even warn you of any unforeseen circumstances which she visualises in her subconscious mind. I was having problems in my personal life and been referred by friends to meet her to get a solution to my problems .The minute i entered Ravi’s office, I felt a gust of positive energy combined with peace and tranquillity. Ravi’s words mesmerised me and I could share all my personal problems with her and felt that I was sharing it with someone very dear to me. I took Ravi’s expert advice and saw changes in my life happening and getting better time after time. Thank you for being the ray of light for me Ravi .Jai Sai Ram
I have known Ravi for over 4 years and found that she is gifted with a spiritual power by the Grace of Sai Baba. I had gone through many difficulties in my life and had no one to turn to for expert help and advice. By meeting Ravi and attending her healing sessions, my life became revitalised with positive thoughts and I had developed the confidence to live a happy life.
Thank you Ravi for turning my life around.
Ravinder has been blessed with a very special gift. She has guided me through my troubled times and from my experience with her I have full faith in her spiritual guidance. She listens with full sincerity and always has time for you even when she is rushed off her feet. She has prayed for me when needed and through these prayers she has guided me. Ravinder is a very special lady and I highly recommend her as you will definitely not be disappointed. In my eyes she is my guardian angel.
This is to convey the whole world about my unbelievable, enchanting experience on power of Shirdi Saibaba and his discipline Ravi.
I am from India and employed in Saudi Arabia. it is true that everyone’s life is having problems and one have to tackle the glitches by oneself , but there are many incidents that we feel that we are been deserted and have no help or any other go to get ride off the problems around .
Few days back I have come across an allegation that I have cheated the company, in fact I was innocent and the customer have not turned up after the contract .
Here in KSA things are very stringent and strict and even you may be behind the bars, I was not having any help from others to solve this issue, I checked all the possibilities to solve the issue. Many sleepless nights, I was totally upset to known as a thief,
I happened to share this with Ravi, She has told me to keep pray to Shirdi Saibaba, and asked me to look at the photos of Baba and she said to me that she is going to pray for me at the same time.
Within two hour, there was a knock at my office door, to my wonder, the door was opened and that runaway customer came into my office and the all the issues settled officially.I could not believe myself, I was crying all the night in happiness and in unbelievable miracle.
I remain with my gratitude always!
Raj Kumur
The experience I had through the course of my reiki healing sessions was truly amazing. The process from start to end was tranquil and by the end of each session I felt so revitalised as though there was a new me each time. This was a sign of progress as it meant that the negative feeling was turning into a more positive one. Despite not having the most troublesome issues, Ravi my reiki practitioner, was very comforting and helpful. I felt at ease talking to her and I appreciated her time spent with me.
Ravi is a truly gifted person. She’s so amazing and empathetic and makes you a part of her family and you feel like you have always known her. She taps into your life and problems and works on making you look at the positive side of things and gives you so much hope, faith and positivity that you feel as if the problem never existed. I cannot recommend her enough.. All who go to her will enrich their lives with newfound faith and positivity and my only regret is that I lived closer to her to be able to meet her regularly. She’s one of Sai’s Angels here to help others and she’s truly blessed!
Thank you for your time to help me work through some complex issues that I was dealing with. Throughout our sessions, I felt calm and relaxed and was always able to leave our session feeling inspired and ready to make changes to improve my interactions with everyone in my life. This included family, friends and work. Your support was much appreciated.
Sai9 Healing, has helped me a great deal with my life, a friend advised me to get in touch with Sai9 healing as she had seen positive results from the healing, at first I was reluctant but I am glad I stuck with the sessions.
Ravi Bhamber, the healer, is very good and knows what she is doing, she made the every session comfortable, an excellent listener no matter the problems you had she was open ears and gave great advice to help me through my fears, every time she would be spot on. The sessions helped me become a better person, have a better understanding of my life and most importantly staying positive. I highly recommend this healing treatment. Thank you Ravi Bhamber
Mr Singh
Ravinder has guided me with work/home issues and with my health. She listens with her heart and soul and guides me through her spiritual gift and prayers. She has a kind and caring approach and listens with sincerity. She always makes time for you and after speaking to Ravinder I always feel much calmer and at ease. Her guidance and healing has helped me through my highs and lows. She is a very special lady.
Pinder Kaur
This is the second review I am writing about Ravi, as I’d like to share my very positive experience. After a very draining relationship I thought I would never be able to find what I was looking for and be happy with someone again. Ravi told me that someone new was coming into my life this year, and she was absolutely right, even the things she said about the guy were similar. I have so much belief and faith in her cause she has helped me in many areas of my life.
Stephanie Taylor
Sai Ram. I was drawn to contact Ravi at a time when I felt I needed to work on myself and surrender certain feelings, tendencies and habits which were holding me back from experiencing fullness and abundance in my life. I liked the honesty of her website, and her love for Sai Baba, who is also my Guru. Ravi is a very unusual healer. Her method and approach to healing is entirely based on Baba’s Guidance. She is warm, friendly and a great confidant – someone who is full of empathy and insight. She is someone One is able to instantly connect with. Her sincerity and desire to help is palpable and touching. She fills you with confidence that by tapping into your own inner Source and Resource, you can free yourself from anything that limits your potential. Ravi’s love for Baba is beautiful and that deeply inspires her healing. Long may it last!
S. Krishnan
I came to Ravi feeing quite low and feeling like my whole world was turning in on me and felt that i need help in getting me some focus in life. I went for my first session feeling nervous and didn’t know what to expect. After my first session i felt a lot lighter and felt the world’s weight had been lifted off me. After my 5 session i started to see a big difference in the way i looked at my life and being positive was hard for me at first but it seemed that this was much easier. People started seeing a difference and commenting on this. I would like to thank Ravi and recommend her to my friends and family so they can see a difference too.
Sue Fisher
Few years back I met with an accident it damaged my left knee. I couldn’t able to walk properly even and was so depressed the pain was unbearable. And was dependent on pain killers completely.Suddenly one day I met Ravi on the Facebook.And don’t know why but I sent her message on Facebook.And when I spoke to her I got confident about my healing.as I am also devotee of sai baba I believe this is baba who directed me to Ravi for my curing. By the Divine grace of Sri Sai Baba and the prayers of Ravi, today it has come true. My hearty thanks to Ravi and Shri Sai Baba. Am recovering from my illness so fast and regained my lost confidence. Thanks to Ravi you are angel for me.
Anil Bhatia
I’ve been going through a bad patch since the beginning of last year with my health last couple of months were harder with stress/tension and low esteem problems that were effecting my life on a daily basis.
I’ve known Ravinder for a long Time,but one day while i was at work out of the blue she was standing at the entrance of the station. I was so shocked to see her at that moment we just talked & booked appointment.
Ravinder has a great gift a very good listener, very calm professional in what she the does she gives out is very inspirational & guidance.
I’ve had one session with Ravinder which has motivated and made me believe in myself,
I look forward to my next session.
Perminder Soor
I’ve just had my first session with Ravi. I was amazed at how she tuned into my thinking straight away and got to know me in such a short space of time. Ravi has helped me identify areas that I need support and guidance with to enhance my life and achieve all round happiness. I am confident that with her help I can make the necessary changes and gain self-fulfilment.
Stephanie Taylor
At first i was i very skeptical on meeting Ravi Sai 9 Healing after being introduced through a friend through sai temple i decided to give it a go.
So the sessions continued week after week. Gradually i started to become very comfortable with Ravi.
Her attitude was warm and welcoming, Not to forget professional. I started to find changes in my life after 3 sessions. Let me remind everyone reading my testimonial. It’s magic in its own form. You must have belief. That very belief turned in to success.
Today i am glad to recommend Ravi to any of my friends and family. Thanks
Sunny jutla
I have known Ravinder for some time now , she has a truly amazing gift to detect and clear body which lead to physical and emotional ailments. Having felt first hand the revitalising and uplifting change in my body energy after just one visit with Ravinder , I would highly recommend seeing her if you are suffering from poor health tiredness and so on.
Neval Romain
I have known Ravinder from a good few years and have always found her to be very spiritual and calming with a fantastic sense of humour which is always in very good taste. Ravinder is an inspiration to me during our conversations, very encouraging, positive and well natured. I am sure she will also be of good inspiration to others during her daily walk of life and will help to broaden their horizons in whatever direction is chosen. If I had to choose one word to describe Ravinder it would be “Heavenly”.
I have recently had the pleasure of receiving some much needed holistic healing from Ravi and wanted to share my wonderful experience. As a fellow holistic healer, I am pleased to say that Ravi heals to make the biggest and brightest difference. Her care to attention, energy and passion was greatly appreciated and I would unconditionally recommend her…. thank you so very much.
Mr Kanda
Ravi is more than a certified healer. Bestowed with a sweet, giving nature and the blessings of ‘His Divine Grace ‘ Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi’, Ravi has the ability to see beyond her immediate setting and move into a different plane, where she receives divine guidance on what is needed for each situation. She also combines Reiki with this divine knowledge and sends the person healing, directly channelling Baba as she does so. I have so far received several accurate messages from Baba through Ravi and it has brought me endless happiness. While we can often channel Baba directly, emotion often clouds our judgement when it comes to us, rendering us unable to interpret messages correctly. Ravi confirmed what I had received separately from Baba and interpreted it for me in a way that made perfect sense. Her healing methods are uniquely chosen for her by Baba Himself and are therefore, perfectly matched to the person and the situation. May Baba bless her in her journey and always reward her faith with His divine presence.
From my point of view, she is a gifted and talented individual that understands the strenuous experiences of daily life and turn it into something miraculous just by viewing the world in a way that brings about peace and harmony to the mind and soul of many individuals who just lost their way. She is to me truly magical and a wonderful person to share your sorrows or confusions.
Thanks Ravi for the time you have taken to listen and give me guidance. I really appreciate it. You have opened up my eyes to the possibilities I am capable of and believing in me.
When I first spoke to Ravi, I knew I had to acquaint, I felt I knew hew her for a long time – an inspiration person A lovely, empathetic, motivating, understanding and compassionate lady!, providing help to others that are at cross roads in life.
I had very little to explain to Ravi, she knew before I said anything, her guidance and her shraddha (faith) encouraged me to ‘get up and do something’.
My treatment was peaceful and I got a lot out of my time with Ravi.
My father used to be a Sai devotee, so I was aware of the principles.
I was given the Sai Vrat book a few times by people but I used to put it aside after reading it., it now has accrued to me why the book kept on coming into my hand. I needed to have healing with a Sai devotee and complete the Sai 9 Thursday Vrat – it all make sense.
The reason why my journey has been difficult, was because I was ignoring the obvious source of help – SAI.
I have had baby steps of clearance in the mind since meeting Ravi, and little things have happened for the best.
I will go to Shirdhi- Sai will call me.
At first I was on edge about going but just after my first session I left feeling much lighter, stronger, relaxed and positive. So far I have attended 2 sessions with Ravi and both of which were different. She’s a blessing in disguise and the healing is powerful but gentle and I would recommend it to everyone. It’s a sign of a new beginning in life for me and I look forward to my next few sessions.
Ravinder is true, optimistic and honest Sai devotee, she has a genuine desire to help people with the use of her healing gifts…she does all her work thru Baba and escpecially for those who believe in Baba, her sessions are very soothing…
I have known Ravi for several years and I personally trained her. Ravi is an exceptional healer and shows compassion and has a true understanding of spiritual wellbeing. She is a wonderful person and always works to the clients highest good. I cannot recommend Ravi highly enough and by meeting her and enlisting her help for either healing or lifecoaching your life will be deeply enriched.
Dr L Pryke, Founder Isatreya® Ltd
Being new to spiritual healing I was a first a little skeptical about it but after my first meeting with Ravi I began to realise some things I needed help with and feel a lot more focused and calmer in life thanks Sai9 healing for all your help
Taran Singh
Being the business neighbours, we have only seen the ‘Sai healing’ board on the opposite door. Gradually the graceful attitude of Ravi befriended us and we became good friends. Once we happened to share with Ravi the ultimate expectation we had in our life, that would take our life to the next stage.
Ravi, with all trust and devotion to Shri Sai Baba, asserted that we shall definitely and effortlessly be taken to the next stage in three months. By the Divine grace of Sri Sai Baba and the prayers of Ravi, today it has come true.
Our hearty thanks to Ravi and our sincere devotion to Shri Sai Baba
Lata Binu
Ravi Bhamber is a regular devotee to the WSSBO (UK) centre in East Ham. She is very Spiritual and friendly person who can communicate to anyone. We met at the Shirdisai centre, East Ham and were talking about baba and personal feelings made us very good friends and the love towards Baba and love towards each other made us more like sisters. I feel comfortable to share anything with her and seek her advice & guidance for any matters as she is experienced and elder to me.
According to me, Ravi Bhamber is very knowledgeable, friendly, patient in listening to others, puts herself in others situation and above all she connects to Baba for all the Healing services she renders.
She always come to centre and share her plans, her service motives, her new services and seek blessing from Baba. Even the name “Sai 9 Healing” was given by Baba in her dream. She is totally surrendered and devoted to Baba and wants to serve and help people by Healing through Baba. I am really happy to be her friend and thank Baba for the same. I sincerely wish her all the best for her “Sai 9 Healing” Centre and Baba’s Blessing is always with her for her service she does.
On my first visit I was sceptical about what I might achieve from having the sessions as I wasn’t sure how reiki or even talking to someone could help.
Ravi offered me so much more, with her spiritual guidance and support I felt that I have been transported through a journey from my past that helped me understand my life better today enabling me to move forward today in the present and prepare for a future that I want. She’s offered me warmth support and the reiki has benefited me and helped me though challenging times that I have embarked on. This entire process has helped me change my life around for the better and I am amazed at what I have learned about myself and life itself.
I started treatment with Sai 9 healing over a year ago, and after my first healing treatment I felt a difference like a weight had been lifted and I had no worry in the world. Treatment after treatment, I felt my confidence growing and Sai 9 healing were able to advise and tell me the right things to do. Sai 9 helped me set up my own business and work on family issues which were difficult to deal with on a daily basis. I am very thankful to Sai 9 Healing for what they have done for me and the massive risks I am now able to take because of my increase confidence and self–esteem. Thank you Sai 9 healing for what you have done for me and the changes you have brought in my life.
Miss Kaur
I would like to say a big thank you to Ravi who helped me too overcome the obstacle I was facing at the time. I visited her a few times; she was helpful and always positive around me this helped me to feel more confident and positive within myself to achieve the goal I was aiming for.
Her positive vibes created a different feeling within me to carry on doing what I was supposed to do. Thank you once again.
I cannot thank this lady enough. She was so empathic and I really enjoyed the reading with her. I swear I could feel Angels around me as she spoke to me.
Pat, Borrowash
My relationship had ended and I am in my late 60’s so saw no future for me. Ravi tuned into me straight away and without me having to say anything, she not only picked up on the situation that I was in but also correctly predicted that I had a new man entering my life. I decided to wait to see if her prediction came true and I am delighted to report that not only have I entered a new relationship, his appearance is just as Ravi described!
Sue, Castle Bromwich
Sai Ram,
I wanted to share my experience today.
I was having issues with my laptop all day until around 3pm it totally switched off. I was getting really worried now because I had no access to my work and I was already a few days behind.
The IT person could not work out how it was going to be fixed and said he would go and speak to somebody senior and come back to me and if it could not be fixed I would have to travel 3 hours to sort out.
For some strange reason my phone called Ravi’s number without me knowing and Ravi returned my call. She advised to scatter Vibuthi on the laptop then close and chant Sai Ram 9 times. After that she asked me to place Baba’s book on the laptop.
I came downstairs chanting Baba’s name and the IT person called me and fixed the laptop within 5 minutes.
Baba’s leelas are amazing. We have to be patient and he will fix any problem.
Thank you Ravi again, you truly are Baba’s messenger.
Sai Ram
Sapna Bhandari
Before meeting Ravi mam, my life was all over the place, I was in sever confusion/turmoil in my personal & professional life. I was completely unorganised and dealing with events in a chaotic manner.
Once I started taking sessions with Ravi ji and followed all her instructions, directions and guidance, my life started to become much organised and I was back to achieving my set out goals.
I have also seen a tremendous increase in the path of spirituality, Ravi mam has been with me through my journey of improvement and guided me as Guru sent by Baba himself during the difficult periods of my life.
The most important part is Baba through Ravi mam has showered my family and me with all his grace and blessings by saving my sibling from the serious COVID 19 aliment, ever since I have witnessed waves after waves of miracles.
‘Trust’, ‘Faith’, ‘Belief’ and ‘Devotion’ taught by Ravi mam and following it with your heart and soul will definitely make you open your eyes and will lead you on the right path to achieving your goals and desires.
A heartfelt thanks with all my humbleness and gratitude to Ravi mam for all her support, help and guidance for which I am ever grateful.
From an adherent anonymous devotee of Baba and student of Ravi ji.
Om Sai Ram
Mr Kumar
I have been seeing Ravi for a few years now and cannot explain the immense happiness and blessings I have received from Ravi’s guidance.
Life throws us many challenges but with correct guidance from Ravi we learn how to face these challenges in a positive manner.
Over the last year I was faced with one of the biggest hurdle in my life. I was lost, unsure of my path and could see no light.
Ravi always said things would change step by step and to keep chanting baba’s name.
Everything started to clear slowly and 1 year later I can truly say how life has turned around. I have a new home, new career and plans to go to Shirdi.
Thank you Ravi for your support and guidance and love. I am very lucky to have you and baba in my life.
Live by babas word Sharada & Saburi and we can overcome any challenge.
Ravi is truly a angel of baba’s.
Sapna Bhandari
Om Sai Ram
This is Udi story, how Udi helped when nothing is around.
My kid was having cough for last 2-3 months it was on and off. I was so much worried and one day he was coughing very badly then I put Udi on his forehead and prayed to Baba please help him to be able to relax and sleep.
After putting Udi immediately he stopped coughing and slept nicely.
Baba is the one who always helps us at anytime and anywhere. We only have to trust him.
Bow to Baba’s lotus feet.
Om Sai Ram
Rittu Ji
Om Sai Ram
Two weeks back I had a call from my mom that my dad got breathing issues all of sudden and got admitted to the hospital in a critical condition. Doctors told her nothing is in our hands as BP, sugar are so high and pulse is very low. Immediately I approached Ravi ji for urgent prayers , She responded to me saying “Everything will be cleared by the time you reach India”. I booked my flight to India and the whole journey time I was chanting Baba’s name.
When I landed, I received message that my dad is out of danger. I was so relaxed. It’s all with Baba’s grace. Doctor said dad got issues with heart and kidney. Suggested to undergo Angiogram. We were bit worried that if we need to go with an open heart surgery.
Ravi ji was in contact with me always and asking the status and gave so much of positivity. With Baba’s grace he had 3 blocks, out of which 2 can be cured by medicine and 1 stent for the major block was placed. Also, doctor said kidney issues can be cured with medicine. He needs to visit for follow up check-up after a month. Hope everything with be normal with Baba’s blessings.
It’s truly a miracle. Keep praying and have faith in Baba.
Om Sairam
Gnanam Ji
Om Sai Ram
My father in law suddenly developed a condition few weeks back where once he stood up he fell down and was not able to stand up again without help. My family was going through a lot of tension and were very disturbed.
We took him to the doctors and they found out his haemoglobin levels were very low. We did not know what to do. The hospital that we took him to was asking us to consult other doctor but we were too worried about doing other tests as his body was not in a state to accept them. I was losing hope and suddenly got reminded of Ravi Ji. I got in touch with her and she said she would pray for my father in law. She did the prayers for him that night and the next day when doctors came to check him his haemoglobin levels showed slight improvement and he has been slowly and steadily recovering since then.
I am very thankful to Ravi Ji for helping my family out and being kind enough to pray for my father in law. Above all I am thankful to our Baba the most merciful and protective father.
Om Sai Ram
Preeti Ji
Om Sai Ram
After knowing Ravinder as a friend of a friend we eventually became friends and came across Ravi as a friendly individual. So, my first session was 6 years ago where I encountered financial issues and had somewhat overcome that. So, 7 years later I get a leaflet in the post rejigging my memory. It was funny enough I broke my ego and said God help me. So I called Ravi as I recognised the leaflet and said ‘Hey I need a session.’
On the day not realising what the Centre is about, how the session would be like after 6 years, I just dived right in.
Was very strange that my wife said she wants to attend with me, so it was a clear sign that we were going to the right person. In addition to being a Sai Baba believer, I had no doubts, yes I was curious to what questions will be asked, how the room is like, do we sit on a bed etc.
The room was very comfortable with the right temperature, Ravi started with a welcome, offered water, then introduced herself. Fast forwarding after 2-hours through meditation and divine blessings we were told a few things that we didn’t know and corrected that, clearly making a difference in our day to day environments.
Agreed efforts will need to be made by the individual. Magic follows. I will be seeing Ravi more often to open a few new doors that was left unopened.
Om Sai Ram
Sunny Ji
I am part of Mahaparayanam from the time it was formed in the UK and have seen many miracles in my day to day life. One more recent one I want to share with Mahaparyanam Family Group – I had a small scar on the right side of my eye from the time I was born. Recently from 6 months the scar got increased and I was recommended to dermatologist who further with investigation advised that I should have a biopsy and the scar should be checked for any cancer cells. Immediately I called Ravi ji and mentioned what was going on. She said she will keep me in her prayers. She also advised me to apply some Vibhuthi for the next 7 days. My husband was also devastated with this as he was recently out of cancer and in maintenance now. His own brother was diagnosed with cancer in November 2022. Everyone were concerned. Finally, I went to my appointment and they retested the scar. Room was ready with all equipments needed for biopsy. But to everyone’s surprise doctor said biopsy is not required and he ruled out cancer. Can’t express our relief after this. Thanks to everyone and especially to Ravi ji who helped to grow this group. I am blessed to be a part of this. Thanks to everyone for their seva.
Om Sai Ram🙏
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The Sai9healing meditation takes you to a land of mysterious experiences, where the known becomes unknown. All the hidden vices deep within start forraying in the divine presence of Baba. Baba has a plan and his execution is emaculate, so trust him and his plans are perfect 🙏
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Anu Ji
Om Sai Ram
I am Baba’s devotee since childhood. My family also are Baba’s devotees. Baba’s blessings have guided us and kept us safe all the time .
But now I live in the UK and my parents are in India. I have my own family and responsibilities. Sometimes I get very tired. I was continuously feeling little low few months ago. Everything was fine around but still I was feeling something is not right and I was stressing out for no reason.
One day I was watching TV and there was Baba’s TV series going on . All of sudden I heard the dialogue that – I am always with you and I will guide you as always. Just keep faith.
Next day night I saw Baba in my dream giving me the same message. As soon as I woke up I got the post at home asking me to contact Ravi Ji and join Mahaparayan group. I realised this is Baba’s wish and straight away contacted Ravi Ji. I joined Mahaparayan group and started face to face meditation and healing session with Ravi Ji .
Ravi Ji knew what was going on inside me. She guided me throughout and each time I meet her I feel so light and positive. I believed i could let go of all the negative energy I was holding back while doing meditation. I have healed my body aches as well and feeling more energetic, I feel more confident. I feel Baba’s presence around . And I always feel he is there to guide me and show me right path in everything.
Such a great experience. May Baba shower his blessings and guide all of his devotees.
Thank you for everything Baba and Ravi Ji.
Om Sai Ram
I really enjoy the Meditation Classes with the group and Ravi.
I have met some lovely people and feel deeply connected with Baba.
We learn about Baba, his teachings, ways and other devotees’ experiences.
I have learnt with others how to connect with baba and always remain patient. Baba corrects things at the right time.
Thank you again Ravi these group sessions are invaluable to all of us and the group energy is amazing.
Sapna Ji
Om Sai Ram
Ravi ji in October 22, told us that she will be organising Temple/Mandir visits.
First visit was organised on the 17th of December, 2022 to Radha Krishna Temple in Romford.
Ravi ji organised the travel arrangements and we reached temple around noon time and we were welcomed by the priest there. The temple is in a very quiet surrounding and the vibration inside the temple was so good. Moorthies included Ganesh, Durga, Radha Krishna, Shiva, Rama, Lakshman, Seetha and Hanuman. They are so powerful and looked so real beyond words.
The mandir includes a party hall which I understand is used by devotees to celebrate their birthdays etc in a divine place.
We sat there and were able to mediate and listen to the priests short Satsang, which is also very knowledgeable and spiritual. Though I could not understand the language, because of the high energy and power in the temple I did understand what he said. We were offered Prasad and truly enjoyed the visit. It was such a blessing and can see lot of changes in my life after the visit.
I am really grateful to Ravi ji for organising this visit which she did selflessly. She did not charge anything but did this with pure love and to give us blessings. The day we visit was soon after the snow in December and the whole place was covered in snow. It gave the feeling as if we are in Vaikunth.
I just want to go there again and receive blessings from Lord Krishna.
I am looking forward to other visits that she is planning this year.
Thank you, Ravi ji
Sri Varnika
Om Sai, Om Sai, Om Sai, Om Sai, Om Sai, Om Sai, Om Sai, Om Sai, Om Sai
Romford trip to Radha Krishna Temple
Date: 17th December 2022
Trains and buses were on strike and I wasn’t sure if I could make it to East Ham before 10 AM on the 17th Dec so I texted Ravinder Ji on the 16th doubting that this trip to Romford may not happen. Ravinder Ji simply replied saying just leave it to Baba. I woke up much early that day around 4:30 AM and left the house before 6 AM. The first bus I took to Richmond stopped only after 5 stops and there was no information if there was going to be a next bus or when it would turn up. I waited for 20 mins and my heart started to race and I thought I might have to abandon the trip. Then again, I said to myself no I am not going to give up and if I honestly try Baba will certainly help me. I figured out a way taking buses and tubes which would add one extra hour to the trip but there was no information online to say if there were any disruptions on the longer alternate route. It turned out there were no issues and I made it to East Ham early, around 9:00. I was able to have some breakfast and then went to Ravinder Ji. Everyone turned up within 30 mins and we all left for Romford.
The mandir was pleasant all the gods and goddesses were decorated to Christmas theme. I was particularly attracted to the energy of Durga Mata and I felt she was drawing me towards her to bless me. I prostrated to her and also to all other gods and goddesses.
The discourse from the temple priest was very informative, also made me contemplate and question the decision of my own divorce. I think it was my karma or ignorance that I didn’t get to hear such words of wisdom when I was in crisis. I am feeling that Baba is awakening me and with the help of Ravinder Ji I hope to find that plan for me from Baba.
Om Sai Ram.
On 17th December 2022, I had the privilege of attending the trip to Radha Krishna temple in Romford. This is a lovely temple outside of London and it is very quiet and tranquil. We were warmly welcomed by the priest who gave a talk. Inside, the murtis are dressed beautifully and I was able to spend as much time as I needed with them. I was immediately drawn to the murti of Durga Ma. It felt as if she was looking directly at me, as though she already knew all of my prayers and wishes.
These spiritual trips are a wonderful opportunity deepen our connection with God. I really enjoyed meeting like-minded people and experiencing this mandir visit with them.
We are able to take time away from our busy lives and the world and experience peace and joy. And to reflect our lives, any questions/situations/ problems that we may be facing.
Om Sai Ram! My name is Anu and am very blessed to have visited the Radha Krishna temple at Romford, through Sai9 Healing organised trip. Over 20 years residing in London, I never had a chance to go on short spiritual trips. Always believed that these trips can only be done in India when we visit back home. As a part of my regular visit to Sai9 Healing centre being client, it intrigued me to see a brochure that they are scheduling spiritual trips for various divine places across UK and India mainly to bring a holistic approach to one’s journey.
I signed up myself for the first trip to Romford temple and was all excited about the day. It was visiting the Radha Krishna temple in Romford. Everything was planned and organised well with clear communication by Ravi. As soon as we arrived at the Sai9Healing centre, we were lovingly greeted and then we progressed to the cars to commence our first spiritual journey to a temple, which I never visited before. It was a beautiful snowy day and the scenic beauty across the places that we travelled was enriching. The company of others who were lovely souls was equally a treat to the heart.
We reached the temple and were lovingly greeted by the temple priest. He took us inside and guided us to the altar. The temple was just fascinating, and the energy of goddess Durga was flowing through the feet like bringing life forces ignited. I was in deep thoughts looking at each of the idols and what was really touching my heart was their attire. It was very symbolic of human existence that a priest adored the Gods in winter clothing considering it is winter season. When I closed my eyes, it resembled deeper meaning of profound oneness with the gods and unconditional love.
Once we did Darshan, we all sat down as guided by Ravi for a spiritual talk by the priest. Somehow when he was taking, I was feeling the presence of Lord Krishna teaching Bhagwat Gita. I could not see
him after a while, but I felt there were strong messages coming from God himself. Deeply inspiring and left me opening new doors within of strength and courage. The talk was followed by a lovely tea with snacks arranged by the priest’s wife. It was so relaxing to sit with everyone and felt like back home in India, where we all come together and visit temples.
Later we headed back to the Healing centre and all I felt is gratitude immensely to Ravi and Baba who planned my visit to temple and gave me the joy of divinity that morning. Simply feel blessed!! I would recommend the trip to everyone as it is important to take some time of our busy schedule, and this helps us to see things from a very different perspective.
Om Sai Ram
Healing Experience by Reha Mistry
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
With Baba’s grace I have been healed and saved from surgery. Baba’s healing has transformed my life, including career and family relationships.
I believe I was guided to Ravi Ji’s website for the healing sessions. The sessions have opened me up to a whole new way of looking at and approaching my life. My utmost gratitude to you Baba. Thank you, Baba.
Sai Ram
Reha Mistry
Session Experience by Anu
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Baba wants to bring love into my life. I can clearly see that is what he plans to. What I loved about today’s session is sometimes we get distracted by going into different old patterns of thinking but the way Ravi wanted to pull me back on track and say, that is something already dealt and let’s focus on the new path ahead. Guidance is important.
Om Sai Ram
Experience by Samantha
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
‘I came into today’s session with my mind filled with a million questions as usual and my stomach filled with so much anxiety, thinking what’s the point of any of this, as I can’t seem to change. The opening up and talking is hard but at a soul level that is what is needed.
Ravi challenges me, it is uncomfortable but it is at that point the healing occurs. The work with Baba, if truly committed, is life changing. I’m not there fully, but the layers are peeling away with each session. The biggest takeaway from this session was, that Baba can only do so much and unless I trust in myself first, stay committed and act then things will always stay the same.
I realized I had become a self-fulfilling prophecy for the negative instead of being a magnet for change.’
Session Experience by Srinath
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Thank you for introducing Ravinder Ji in my life. I am deeply grateful for your kindness and blessings. Please help me get out of mind and give me strength and guidance to live in the present. Allow me to open my feelings towards the whole world.
Om Sai Ram
Session Experience by Suchita
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I was having extreme pain in my body and it was not getting better at all. After I had my last week session with Ravi Ji it was gone completely
Ravi Ji told me that she will pray for my healing during my session and it was like a magic. Next morning, I woke up with no pain at all. Thank you, Baba and Ravi Ji, for everything.
Om Sai Ram
Session Experience by Varnika
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The session today with Ravi was uplifting and I always without doubt feel I am spiritually guided through her which is why I always come back for sessions.
I believe in one power and healing of Sai Baba and the spiritual realm unseen by all of us but this can be felt if we attempt to tune in.
Om Sai Ram
Session Experience by Anu
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Today’s session was calm and I was speaking all I had to say. There is silence in me and answers of things within but healing is a platform where I speak my heart and it helps me to acknowledge my own self.
Om Sai Ram
Experience by Samantha
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Today’s session was painful, almost like having to walk through fire to get to the other side, not unscathed but to begin the healing process. I could feel my inner child not wanting to go there but Baba and Ravi assured me it would be okay. Healing parts of us from the past is not easy especially when you have seen decades of sadness that it has caused. I believe my soul had finally said enough pain, I can’t take this anymore, please free me from this suffering. Today was finally a deep realization that all my suffering was in fact a belief system that I had put enough power behind to make into my truth but it wasn’t true. This is just the beginning but I know in my heart of hearts there is so much joy and happiness on the other side of today’s healing work.
Session Experience by Srinath
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Thank you for holding my hand and taking me to the clearing when I was lost in the forest. Thank you for showing me the sunrise. Protect me from my impulsive nature and let me be patient in life. Thank you also for bringing me to Ravinder Ji.
Om Sai Ram
Session Experience by Suchita
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I had a session today with Ravi Ji and I feel she understands what was going on within me without me saying to her. I feel she can sense it what is happening within you and guide what to do and how to heal. I feel so relaxed after today’s session. Thank you, Ravi Ji.
Om Sai Ram
Session Experience by Varnika
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
In my session, we talked about my insecurities and the less pleasant aspects of my personality. After working through this and chanting Baba’s name, I felt as though Ravi’s healing had removed a large lump or stone from my stomach area. As I walked home, I felt much lighter in my body.
Om Sai Ram
Session Experience by Suchita
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I had a session today with Ravi Ji and I must say after the session I feel very much positive and clear mind. I feel very calm and relaxed.
Thank you Baba and Ravi Ji for everything.
Om Sai Ram
Session Experience by Gurjit
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I have known Ravi a while now and my in-person sessions are much deeper and richer in experience. I drive 1.5hrs to get to her each time and it’s worth every minute. I arrive to be greeted with a warm smile and I am divinely guided through her to live my best life because the guidance received is always positive, uplifting and transformational. Despite everything that is going on with me, I leave refreshed and I believe things are going to change. I know this because Ravi cuts through the fluff and gets to the point and she is accurate with what she picks up in my current situation.
The last session, I felt the healing energy and I felt a sense of peace within. I felt more connected with the mediation and I know with more and more practice I will be able to connect with the divine routinely.
Om Sai Ram
Session Experience by Reha
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Today in my session, Ravi Ji helped me peel back a few layers and confront things that I did not want to look at.
After this session, I feel lighter and clearer. I know that I have to confront things, not avoid. Thank you, Ravi Ji, for showing me this.
Om Sai Ram
Balaji temple visit experience by Anu
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The day we visited Balaji temple was very special as there was something in the air which was filled with tranquillity. Journey was very well planned, and it was lovely to be travelling in the coach and looking at the nature all the way. Very deeply soothing and it felt as if the visit was happening due to some calling from Baba.
We first visited Durga Mandir and it was divine experience all through the time we were there. The priest blessed us, and we offered Chuniri to the goddess and there was some profound silence within as we were walking around the goddess. Her beauty was enchanting and I was feeling very blessed, happy and relaxed within. The whole experience was surrounded by positive energy and unconditional love.
We then went to the Balaji temple. This experience cannot be explained in words, but it is something to be felt and very personal to one’s experience. We first went to the Balaji shrine, and I felt like deeply connected and my body/mind lighter by every passing second. What blew me was, when I stood in front of Balaji statue at a distance, I saw light on the forehead of the statue. I was very focussed and was unable to believe what I was seeing and was questioning is this true. When I moved to another place as was leaving, I could not see it again. It is divine play.
We then visited Ganesh, Shiva and Subramanya swami shrines. Everywhere I went, my thoughts were all deep and seeking for god’s love. There was a prayer which was coming from heart and it was from a sacred pure place. We then went to Baba’s shrine which was so beautiful and full of love. Baba was sitting like lord ruling the universe, I felt as if he was waiting for our visit. He was smiling and his smile had some hidden treasures which are blessing’s that he is showering. I can still feel the fragrance of field of baba’s energy which filled me with contentment. I felt a special sense of healing and peace that was seeping into my veins, it is a moment of speechlessness.
All I felt is that Baba has a plan for me and all he was saying was to have faith. We read Sai Satcharita and we could see some messages appearing for me as we walked out. We then went to the gurudwara which was very profound moment. I felt very much loved by lord that day as they were reading prayer for me and my family.
The day was so well planned and it gave me so much joy and all I felt is gratitude. The trips conducted by Sai9 healing are well planned and organised, purpose driven for the soul. It heals the soul and stimulates something deep as per Baba’s plan.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Balaji temple visit experience by Ravinder Bhamber
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Balaji temple trip was planned for Friday, 3rd February. Myself and Anu were travelling to Birmingham via train. The previous night I started getting good vibes. I woke up earlier than usual and reached the train station well before time. The train journey was amazing, I kept reading Baba’s Satcharitra. Me and Anu were talking about Baba’s Leela’s and the knowledge we had about Balaji temple.
As soon as we landed at Birmingham train station I could sense and feel the energy in the air. We went to Durga Bhawan temple first. The priest welcomed us. I offered my prayers and went 9 times around the temple. I always offer ‘Chunri’ for Durga Maa whenever I visit her temple. As I was thinking of the same the priest gave me a Chunri that I could offer to Durga Maa, she read my mind and granted my innermost wish. I was also able to offer her bangles by placing them at Maa Durga’s feet. I felt very good vibes, the priest said Gods blessings would always be with us. I asked if I could leave some of my Sai9healing leaflets in the temple and the I was allowed to do so.
We then made our way to Balaji temple, I felt a certain pull towards the temple. We had 2 hours to finish our darshan of all the shrines. The temple was quiet being a weekday and there was calmness and togetherness in the air. In the Balaji shrine, the priest blessed and I went 9 times around the shrine. After our darshan the curtains were closed for the afternoon pooja. We had just made it in time, I strongly felt God was with us all the way through. Baba’s shrine at Balaji temple is unique, felt very peaceful and again offered 9 times Pradakshina around Baba. I dropped my leaflets and also read 3-4 chapters from Satcharitra. I did not want to leave from the temple and wanted to stay longer.
We then left for the Gurudwara and Anu informed me we would have to visit the Gurudwara very quickly as we only had an hour at hand. I did not feel that quiet right and asked her to check the tickets again for the time. I could her Baba’s voice telling me that we had more time and need not rush. To Anu’s surprise, the departure time was 5.15 pm and we had an extra hour. We spent good amount of time at the Gurudwara and did not have to rush.
I felt the trip was beautifully planned and executed by Baba. Feel truly blessed to have been able to visit the temples and the Gurudwara. With Baba’s blessings Sai9healing will be organising many such spiritual trips in the future.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Ravinder Bhamber
Group Meditation Experience by Anu
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Lovely to sit together and meditate with everyone. I feel love and joy each time I step into the centre. A very secured place for me and also, I am getting comfortable talking to everyone and being with all.
Om Sai Ram
Group Meditation Experience by Sapna
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Beautiful experience and connection today.Felt warm, uplifted, positive and surrounded by beautiful souls.
Thank you Baba, cannot express my gratitude for all you have given me.
Looking forward to a beautiful and fulfilled future.
Om Sai Ram
Meditation Experience by Reha Mistry
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Today I experienced peace and comfort during the meditation session. Baba reminded me of having PATIENCE! And also, why do I worry so much when Baba is here? Something for me to reflect on.
Om Sai Ram
Reha Mistry
Meditation Experience by Suchita Patel
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
With Baba’s grace I feel more stable, calm and light minded. I feel Baba is blessing me with whatever I need in my life. I feel Baba’s presence every time with me. This meditation is helping me to find myself. Thank you, Baba and Ravi Ji.
Om Sai Ram
Suchita Patel
Meditation Experience by Sudha
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
This is my first experience with meditation. As soon as I closed eyes for couple of minutes I was thinking about multiple things and soon started to feel calmness. And then a stress-free body. My body was really relaxed and after couple of minutes I slept as well in the session. When I woke up it was always goose bumps all over me and I felt myself with a relaxed mind.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Meditation Experience by Varnika
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
From the meditations, what I have learnt is that any noise from outside should not affect me internally whether it is a door slamming, cars beeping. This should not distract my internal peace of mind during meditations.
Om Sai Ram
Meditation Experience by Wai
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
It was a great experience to sit in front of Ravi and to have her praying plus meditating for me.
I felt greatly relaxed and at peace.
During meditation, I saw different colours and felt lord was with me.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
We went on a one-day spiritual trip experience to Leicester on March 4th 2023. All travel arrangements from London to Leicester and return were arranged by Ravi ji. We went to four temples. Ravi Ji also took care of local travel arrangements via Uber. The trip was both economical and rewarding. We covered four temples (in order): Swaminarayan BAPS temple, Hanuman Mandir, Jalaram temple, and Sai Baba temple.
We arrived at Leicester coach station around 10 AM, and from there we first went to the BAPS Temple. The temple has beautiful architecture, both outside and inside. Silence is reasonably enforced. The deities are gorgeous, and there is enough space inside to sit, pray, or meditate. After spending about 30 minutes there, we went to Hanuman Mandir, which was a couple of miles away. It is a small and cosy temple. We rendered our prayers, listened to a few bhajans, and on our way out, we were handed delicious rice and dhal for prasad. It was my first visit to any Jalaram mandir—a saint from Gujrat. I wasn’t aware that the Jalaram Mandir in Leicester was very popular and is known as the “Virpur of Europe”. I was glad that I was able to take the darshan of saint Jalaram, who is held in the same regard as Sai Baba of Shirdi by the people of Gujarat as well as his followers all over the world.
Our final stop was Sai Baba temple, which is celebrating its 10th year anniversary on Ram Navami this year, in 2023. The interior of Sai Baba temple bears resemblance to the temple in Shirdi.
When we arrived around 12:10 pm the Madhyan Aarti had just begun. We participated in the aarti and prayers, spoke to the temple priest who gave a brief background to the beginnings of the temple in Shirdi and the philosophy of how they run the temple on a day-to-day basis. There is also made up of Dwarakamai and Chavadi within the temple, located on the first floor. We went up and sat there listening to bhajans of Sai Baba and Hanuman Chalisa. I was personally looking forward for some quite time to meditate but due to bhajans I could not. This made me understand that I must also learn to quieten my mind in everyday hustle and bustle of life to achieve peace within. Finally, we bid our good bye to Sai Baba. The temple priest was kind enough to gift us with Baba’s shawls on our way out. We made it back to Coach station in good time and returned to London as planned and on-time.
I would highly recommend Ravi Ji’s spiritual trip to Leicester.
Om Sai Ram🙏
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The trip was very well organised and planned with lot of effort. There was a lot of warmth and joy which was enchanting during the day. As soon as we started, we were provided with details of guided plan for the day including timings of visit to each temple which was very helpful. The coach journey was smooth and it was very divine and I felt as if I was travelling with Baba. As I fell asleep in the coach, I had a beautiful vision of Baba and he caring for me and also taking me for darshan to all places in Shirdi. It was very soothing to feel his presence all during the trip.
We started with first going to Swami Narayan temple, it was very serene there. Some silence was seeping within, and the beauty of idols was eye catching. I was mesmerised by the very self and could not move but just wanted to look around. It was a form of pure love and some blessings that was being showered. Later we went to Hanuman temple which was unique as I never saw something as such. There were bhajans and the prasad was served at a time when our souls were seeking for nourishment. Loved it all together.
It was the Jalaram Baba temple that actually, I felt some upsurge of energy as was stepping into the temple. The temple was beautiful and was filled with great valour of Hindu history. There was something about the statue that, I felt a deep calling drawn towards. I never knew this person but however felt very close to the Baba idol. I felt a dialogue within and a belief that there was a reason for my visit. Enjoyed it so much but felt like spending more time in the temple and may be next time.
We were welcomed by Baba into the temple and the aarti was sung just like it is in Shirdi. The temple was very much like how one feels at home. Usually, temples are kept extremely tidy but that was not the case but all that was felt is everyone’s love towards Baba rather then the presentation. I was amazed by the way it was all engaged and felt as if Baba was showering all his love that day. It was very calming to read chapters and then the Hanuman bhajan was resonating from heavens. The food was the tastiest meal that I ever had in a temple. Baba served me with every dish that is my favourite. I could stand and see Baba like mesmerised and he was filled with grace. Deep feeling where he was showing to me that entire world rests in his abode. The feet of Baba were not something that I have ever seen, it is a blessing.
Sai9Healing has a very profound approach to trip planning which can be seen all through the planning and execution. I had a blissful day and grateful to Baba that he has chosen me as a part of this divine experience.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Leicester temple trip was planned for Saturday, 4th March. Myself, Anu and Shrinath were travelling to Leicester via train. On the morning of the visit I woke up feeling full of energy. I had more time than usual for my daily chores. I reached the train station at 6.30 am. Shrinath and Anu joined a bit later. We all were talking and had a deep conversation about astrology.
We reached Leicester and went to BAPS temple first; the atmosphere was very quiet and serene. I could pray to my heart’s content. It was very quiet and nice and I received a lot of positive messages from God that I was on the right path.
We then made our way to Hanuman Mandir. Bhajans were going on and we were asked to sit for prayers and also given prasad after the Bhajans were over. The prasad tasted heavenly. I did not have the heart to leave. I asked if the temple would accept my leaflets and a kind gentleman put them on the display board for me. I also bought a photo and 108 beads mala for my prayers. I could sense a strong energy and felt very peaceful there.
We then proceeded to the Jalaram temple. It was again very peaceful and I liked the paintwork at the temple very much. While praying I got the message ‘You finally had my darshan’. This reminded me of my previous visit to Shirdi where I could not visit Jalaram temple due to it being locked. I got very positive message that my hard work would earn me what I deserve. We also met a lovely family at the temple.
We then left for Shirdi Sai Baba temple. When we arrived Aarati was going on, the priest gave us a guided tour and also accepted my leaflets. I asked if I could go upstairs and was allowed to do so. I read 3-4 chapters from Sai Satcharitra and I could instantly feel as if I was in Dwarkamai. Baba also gave me a message that the trip was going to be a success. I received Baba’s blessings and guidance. Hanuman Chalisa recitation was going on the whole atmosphere was divine. We had to leave at 3.30 pm for our coach.
I felt the trip was beautifully planned and executed by Baba. Feel truly blessed to have been able to visit all the temples. With Baba’s grace, Sai9healing will certainly be organising another trip to the Leicester temple next year with a bigger group of people.
Following the trip, on Sunday 5th March I had a dream where I was going through different panels of people for interviews and all my paperwork that I had presented was being accepted. I woke up thinking to myself that I was not searching for a job and could not realise the meaning of the dream. In my prayers later that day Baba indicated that those interviews were for when I would be seeking approval to expand my current space to be able to accommodate more clients in future. I can already feel his blessing hand on my head.
Last Sunday, 12th March I again had a dream wherein I was walking to Shirdi and then to Meher Baba’s temple where there was a cave and I went inside. In the cave there was a priest/ Guru who gave me coins and asked me to get some food and have a drink. Then the next moment I could sense some energy which I felt was my dad’s presence. I got an inkling that something positive would be happening with my dad after my Shirdi trip. The very next morning I received a letter stating I had won my dad’s case that had been pending for the last 4 years. I am happy beyond imagination. If not for Baba, I would have given up hope long time back. But as Baba says ‘Shraddha and Saburi’ will ferry one across the ocean of mundane existence.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Ravinder Bhamber
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I was yearning to visit Shirdi for about six months and with Sai’s grace the visit came together when I had to travel to India to attend a wedding in February 2023. I planned the visit after the wedding to stay and closely experience Shirdi on my own without any hustle and bustle.
Fortunately, with the intervention of my cousin I was able to secure tickets to Dhoop aarti and Kakad aarti both of which were my first experience. I arrived at Shirdi on Sunday afternoon and after checking-in at a hotel, I freshened up and made my way to Sansthan. Participating in Dhoop aarti was a very reassuring experience. After the aarti I was walking towards Gurusthan and realized an elderly lady was walking alongside. Without any prompt she started talking to me sharing her deeply satisfying experience of Sai Baba’s darshan. I held her two hands to share her joy and she kindly placed one of her hand on my forehead and blessed me saying “Jite raho beta”. I felt this trip was meant to be for me to experience and understand Sai Baba’s life more so than ever. This time I took notice of Baba’s stone stool and cooking oven in Dwarakamai, visited Nandadeep, the garden, and all the temples within the Sansthan, Chavadi, bade Baba’s residence and Khandoba mandir. I felt Baba wanted me to calm down and fully trust in him to do His job rather than me worrying and feeling sorry for myself.
On the second day, I went to Mahasamadhi of Sivanesan Swamiji about 2 km from Shirdi, an apostle of Baba who had lived in Shirdi over forty years. I just wanted a quiet place to meditate and this was a perfect place. I arrived just in time for the Madhyan aarti. After the aarti, I sat down and I started to meditate. It became clear to me that my self-doubts were at the source of my troubles. It is time to wake up and allay my fears and go after a life that I had always longed for. I don’t know the way but I don’t need to know as Baba will guide me. I just must surrender my ego and fully trust in Him, which has been the hardest part but now I feel like I am starting to understand His magnanimity. If he didn’t want me to be in Shirdi I could never have done this visit. On the last day of my planned visit I was about to go to the airport but my flight was cancelled so I had to stay one more day, which was a Thursday. I felt like Baba wanted me to take His darshan on this auspicious day before I was allowed to return home. Before visiting Samadhi on Thursday, I went to Khandoba mandir early in the morning. I was about to leave for Samadhi after my prayers to Khandoba but the priest asked me to stay back and help Him with His duties for morning aarti. This was another Baba’s miracle and reassurance that he is looking after me.
Om Sai Ram🙏
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Today was my first meditation class. I felt like the session was really calming and soothing. It is such an amazing experience. I felt like I need to connect and surrender myself more towards Baba. I am struggling to find a job in Fashion, I feel so stressed and have days that are up and down, but I pray to Baba and leave all my questions to him, this brings some sort of peace in my mind. I wish for this experience to guide me and show me the right path for my future.
Om Sai Ram🙏
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I have been taking meditation sessions with Ravi ji since November. The mediation has been extremely powerful for me. So far, I have been starting the sessions with a restless mind which turned calm mid-session and ended on a peaceful note. There have been occasions where I have gone in after having given up on myself but Ravi Ji never gave up on me. She motivated me and has always believed in me. She has given me so many tips which has helped me connect with myself. She quotes stories from her experiences which helps me believe in my journey with Baba even more. I love listening to her miracle stories.
I had the good fortune of having my 8th session on Baba’s day-Thursday. I started with a calm mind and could feel the connection. This was the best session and I could see Goddess Varahi and then Baba dressed in a stunning green shawl. I could see myself writing my worries and insecurities on a paper and throwing them into the far and deep sea. Ravi ji answered my questions without even asking. She has helped my husband heal from his illness. I have been worried about my parents and she spoke about them during the session without me saying a word. I am at total peace after the mediation. I very much look forward to the coming sessions.
Om Sai Ram🙏
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
We had our first group session today and the experience was refreshing and we felt like Baba was sending us a message to connect with him more. It was a very calm and relaxed environment and we pray that Baba keeps calling us back for more sessions. We have known Ravi since over 10 years and there was an instant connection between us and Baba wanted us to remain friends as it was through Ravi that we could learn more about Baba and appreciate new experiences as she very kindly shares her knowledge and teaches us how to connect with Baba.
Om Sai Ram🙏
Asheeka and Sajinee
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
After joining Mahaparyanam Group, I have started spending more of my time being in Baba’s work and experienced loads of memories in my day to day life.
Another one recently, I have applied for a promotion in my job, did interview but wasn’t great at explaining and expressing things at my best. Though salary wise it doesn’t make much changes but career wise it’s my dream role. After interview finished I texted Ravi ji about the situation and requested to pray for me. Immediately her answer was Baba will take care don’t worry. I have my meditation classes with her and even in that she’d said all looks positive. And recently I heard the news on my promotion and I made it.
Every day I see so many blessings in my life and Baba’s presence in our day to day lives. Thanks Baba for being with us and covering and shielding us.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
With the blessings of Baba and help of Ravi Ji, I have got my blood tests normal. I was not well and was very worried about my health. Ravi Ji did prayers for me and everything came normal. I am very relaxed and stress free now. Also, Ravi Ji suggested me to do meditation at home and since then everything happens better with me. Thank you Baba and Ravi Ji.
Om Sai Ram🙏
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Sai Baba’s miracle can’t be expressed in words. I will try my best to share my experience.
My father is 75 years old, he fractured his right hip in May 2022. Following that he got aspiration pneumonia in June 2022. His condition was very serious in June 2022 and my sister admitted him in my native Vellore, in CMC hospital. I live in the UK. My father’s treating doctor – Geriatrics HOD spoke to me over phone and asked me, if I wish to spend last days with my father and see him talk, recognise me, I should start ASAP. I contacted Ravinder ji and requested her to pray for my father. I went to Vellore and met my father in CMC hospital, he sounded very weak, was not able to talk and his bp was very low, less than 90/60. I met HOD doctor to understand my father’s condition. He said the following “your father’s life is going fast”. I was so sad and emotionally weak because I lost my mom in 2016 and the feeling that I was going to lose my father and I had travelled so long to organise his last journey was very painful.
I don’t know anyone except Shirdi Sai Baba. As advised by Ravinder ji, I handed over my Appa (father) to Sai Baba. I started reading Sai Sat Charithra to my father daily and whenever my father tried to speak, I asked him to say “Om Sai Ram”. My father was given the last resort drug to maintain his BP and he got invasive pneumonia. Though I handed over my Appa to Sai, I used to call Ravinder ji, and Ravinder ji also kept checking on me to understand my father’s health status. She was meditating and praying for my father and she kept on telling me to have faith, ultimate faith and perseverance. It was very difficult to have positive hope that my father will come out from the hospital alive. But Sai Baba was treating my father, he was/and is still there with my Appa as a doctor, nurse, and everything. My father returned home on June 30, 2022. While discharge, doctors mentioned that if any such episode happens once again, no treatment is possible because he was given last resort drug, and the only thing they can provide is palliative care. Doctors advised that it will be difficult for my father to take food orally as there are chances for recurrent aspiration pneumonia and they need to put Ryle’s tube, we were shocked and disheartened. But medicos said decide what is important “Taste or Life”, we tried our best to accept the reality and prepared for discharge.
Sai Baba has given me enough wisdom to establish hospital set up at home such as electronic suction machine, oxygen support, bp monitor, Spo2 monitor and all equipment. Some strange feeling happened exactly three days before discharge, I felt Sai Baba telling me to watch what equipment’s they are using to manage my father health and to remove phlegm, maintain bp, his output. Before bringing my Appa home, managed to arrange all the above.
Another episode September 20, 2022, my father’s SpO2 level was 60%, It was Sai baba’s miraculous miracle my Appa was in 5 litre oxygen at home for 7 hours, his BP was 100/60, pulse was 65 and he was holding. We were unable to take my Appa to any hospital because they said clearly don’t trouble him, accept that phase was his last.
September 28th 2022, I received a call from my sister that my father’s CRP (We have arranged home blood test from CMC hospital) count was 62, which is nearly 11 times higher than normal person. CRP 62 was so high and all known doctor friends told me to prepare my mind. I left UK and whole journey I was remembering Ravinder ji words – have faith on Sai, I simply followed the same and I read Sai Sat Charithra whole 17 hours journey. When I reached home, my father was talking normal and I went to hospital to understand my father health status, doctors mentioned that maximum 5 days and they asked me to opt for some higher sensitivity test. I paid for the test and called hospital after a week, Doctor asked me “Is your father alive?”, I said, Yes, doctor said it is miracle he is alive, only by God’s grace.
Seeing my father condition in June 2022 and further definitely I would have lost hope, since I am directly handling the situation it was so natural for a normal human being to accept the reality and practical scenario rather than believing in miracles. But Ravinder ji’s directions and advice and the way she guided me made me to follow exactly what she said. Faith, utmost faith, believe, manifest.
I encounter so many situations/crisis/problems in day to day life, not for all such situations I contact Ravinder ji. I feel some force/power making me to contact her only for certain situations where I need someone to guide me towards Sai. I am grateful to Ravinder ji for guiding me and patiently having tab on me and my father’s health.
Someone told me, according to my father birth star he might not survive beyond October 2022, I told that person, I have handed over my appa to my Guru-my God, that person asked me , who is your Guru- I said Shirdi Sai Baba.
Though my father has lost weight, since couple of weeks he started taking diet orally. We are still afraid when he coughs while taking food whether he will get recurrent pneumonia, but my friend doctor advised small feeds are okay and this is good improvement as he is tolerating oral food.
I have handed over my Appa to Shirdi Sai Baba and he knows what’s the best for my father. Though every day we struggle to manage my Appa, Sai Baba is the one who is making us sail through. Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
My experience of the healing and the group meditations have been wonderful.
When I attend the sessions, it makes me relaxed, positive and my faith towards Baba have increased after attending Ravi’s healing sessions.
Ravi is very good and her and Baba’s words are very powerful. They healed my mum. Thanks to Ravi and Baba.
Om Sai Ram🙏
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
In today’s session I saw colours pink, blue and felt as though a yellow was coming through. I felt I was connecting with Baba even though it took some time. I felt calm and more relaxed. I look forward to the next session.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I was very tired and with very less energy when I came for my session with Ravi Ji. After meditation and chat with her I feel very light and energetic. My mind is very clear of negative thoughts. She is a miracle. Thank you, Ravi Ji and Baba for always guiding me.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Today session was very nice, calm and I felt the connection and the crystal gave me some energy. Also, Baba showed me something which really made me feel good.
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The crystal healing course conducted by Sai9 healing was a very different and reverberating experience. It is special when compared to the usual crystal healing experience where they discuss mostly about the properties of various crystal but during this course the focus has been on how to make personal connection to the crystal we choose.
During the course, we were given enough time to understand the purpose of the course and the approach. It was very engaging and all participants as much as me have been enjoying the process. It has its own unique areas covered but overall, it was a feel-good experience.
The meditation involving the crystal was very connecting and slowly it felt impactful as much as a grounding experience.
Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I would like to say that this was my first-time doing crystal healing, with a group it was very interesting and exciting, I felt very calm, relaxed and was able to connect with Baba. Once I connected the feeling was just so powerful and strong, that words can’t explain, I got inner peace, I felt baba’s messages and his guidance which I have never felt or had this kind of experience before.
I will definitely like to do this again.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The crystal healing course was enjoyable and informative. Ravi ji has a wealth of knowledge, and I had a wonderful meditation experience. I learnt to connect with my crystals, how to use them and how they can help me in my life. An enriching experience and I look forward to learning more!
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Today’s Crystal healing course session was full of energy. I felt connected, understood the process and felt truly energetic. Ravi helped choose the right crystal for each of us and then went on the explain how to get connected. We got individual attention. The vibration was very good. I have very clearly understood how to use the crystal.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The 9 days Shirdi meditation conducted by Sai9 healing in Shirdi has been a memorable experience.
It enabled me to carry discipline over 9 days and helped me to come into routine of meditating every day. I felt very connected and it is was very nice experience. The breathing aspect was making me feel more relaxed and I was very happy to practice new ways of meditating.
It was also very forgiving and gratifying experience.
Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I have completed my first ever 9-day sessions of spiritual meditation in Shirdi with Ravi ji. The experience was truly amazing and I felt like I was living and breathing in Shirdi throughout the 9 days. Where I was or have been struggling to connect with Baba prior to these sessions, I felt that my focus was better and stronger when I was joining the session as Baba had shown me many signs which felt personal to me. I would highly recommend these sessions for anyone that would like to do this in future if the opportunity arises or for anyone who wishes to join Ravi Ji’s meditation classes in the UK.
It was a pleasure working with Ravi ji and Baba as ever, I feel honoured and blessed. Thanks to Ravi ji for her ongoing professionalism and support.
Jai Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Meditation in Shirdi was on another level. It was energising, powerful and intense. The atmosphere was as if I was in a bubble, where I was able to gain clarity and inner calm.
Meditation has helped me from being anxious and unsure to gaining new perspectives on life and situations. I highly recommend Ravi ji if you are interested in meditation, as she provides effective guidance and tools that can be applied in everyday life.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The meditation session I had with Ravi Ji while she was in Shirdi was very powerful. This was an all together different experience. Ravi ji helped me unlock my blocks from the past and discussed ways to clear them. I was able to speak my heart out and also gain valuable guidance from Ravi ji to overcome the blocks.
I have taken the first steps as advised by Ravi Ji and can feel the difference. I consider myself blessed and fortunate to have had a session in Shirdi and could truly feel the presence of Baba in my session.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
“I had one 2hr and one 1hr session whilst Ravi was in Shirdi. As always, my sessions are deep, uplifting and personal to me. God bless the work Ravi does.”
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The meditation session I had with Ravi Ji while she was in Shirdi was truly amazing. I felt so much presence of Baba’s guidance and blessings around me. Ravi Ji made me to feel so calm and confident about my present and future.
I must say it was truly incredible and my heart is full of joy and happiness. I feel a very positive vibes and aura around me. If feels like I have visited Shirdi and have a Darshan of Sai baba myself. Truly amazing.
Thank you, Baba and Ravi ji.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I did not know what to expect when I visited Meher Baba’s Samadhi in Meherabad. I had read about Meher Baba before arriving there, but I was wondering if this trip was necessary. When I got off our vehicle, I was thinking why I was here and why Sai Baba had sent me to this place, but then I remembered that Sai Baba would not send anyone anywhere without a reason.
After parking the vehicle, we all walked up to His Samadhi. While walking, I realized the location of the ashram was very peaceful and content. Everyone observed absolute silence. We were directed to a few benches that were in front of Meher Baba’s Samadhi, so I sat there along with my friends. I was still thinking WHY in my head. Only one person was allowed to enter the Samadhi mandir at a time, which was of adequate size to accommodate one or two people. When my turn came, I entered the Samadhi Mandir and stood to one side, just looking around and absorbing the place. I was inspired by the writings on His Samadhi: “I have come not to teach but to awaken”, which in a way is what Sai Baba did to whomever took refuge at His feet. When I started to pray to Meher Baba, my WHY became clear, and I said to Him that I wanted to shed my past karma, all the unpleasant things that had happened in my life, my fears, and my illusions at His samadhi and free me from my burdens. After the darshan, Ravi ji confirmed with me that people come to leave their burdens and past karma at Meher Baba’s Samadhi—an experience with which I was both moved and humbled.
I had a one-hour meditation session with Ravi Ji following Samadhi darshan. Once the many thoughts in my mind started to settle, I started to experience peace, which appeared like a white light on my forehead. I started to pray to Meher Baba once again with a positive confirmation, saying that this trip to His Samadhi was all about leaving my past karma and burdens at His Samadhi, and when I would return sometime in the future, I would have grown in my life—spiritually, psychologically, career-wise, and monetarily—and I would be open to accepting and sharing love. I realized in my meditation that Sai Baba has been burning away the countless past karmas and burdens of His devotees’ day and night since he first lit that fire in the Dhuni. This is something I should constantly remember: Sai Baba is there and has been all along a constant companion in my life, supporting my growth and well-being. Towards the end of my meditation, I felt like I was flying with the flocks of birds in the sky, going through this journey of life together and experiencing the true meaning of life.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I stayed with Ms. Ravinder Bhamber at Shirdi for 4 days and it was such a lovely and unforgettable experience and the vibrations at the Darshan was top notch and reassuring. I was in depression and had low self-esteem when I got to Shirdi but when I returned back to home, I was and still am all confident and very active and the reason behind it was the sessions with Ravi ji.
The trip to Shirdi will be always cherished throughout my life as I got motivation to take a step and act on the changes I need to make in my life.
The places we had been to were so vibrant and thought awakening and I had such a lovely and pleasant experience.
I thank Ravinder ji for her motivating sessions and the wonderful experience and will always remember the ways she suggested to go on about life.
She is a very good person as she knows that I am broken and she did not even charge me for the sessions for which I will always be grateful.
I look forward to more sessions with her in future.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The Shirdi visit was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity and I feel extremely blessed. When you reach the Samadhi Mandir to receive Baba’s darshan, the atmosphere is uplifting and energising. I felt extremely at home in the Parayan reading room when I visited to read my chapters.
Highlights included visits to local devotees’ homes, Shani Shingnapur and Meher Baba’s ashram, where I was immersed in nature and experienced such peace of mind. I was blessed to experience this trip with a wonderful group of people. Many thanks and gratitude to Ravi ji for organising this lovely trip!
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I have been working with Ravi for two years remotely and never had in-person sessions until our Shirdi trip. I have never experienced anything like these healing sessions in Shirdi. It was like healing on steroids! The connection was so instant and messages from Baba were so clear and profound. This was the first time we could really dig deep and really burn away so much past baggage. The biggest bonus obviously was being able to leave the past in the Dhuni and at Baba’s feet. A week was certainly not enough but a real privilege to have these incredible healing sessions with Ravi in Shirdi. Truly unforgettable and extremely transformative.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I would like to thank Ravi Ji for an amazing experience I had in Shirdi recently.
Everything was perfectly organized from Darshan to meditation sessions. The hotel was beautiful and conveniently located opposite Baba’s temple.
Ravi Ji was always on hand whenever we needed help or guidance. The sessions were mesmerizing and always felt deeply connected to Baba.
I cannot thank you Ravi Ji for organizing such a wonderful trip and would highly recommend anyone to attend if they ever get a chance.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
This was my second trip to Shirdi after February 2023 and my first trip with Ravi Ji. My first trip to Shirdi was in 2013. Since then, I had been trying to go to Shirdi, but it wouldn’t materialise. It was only when Baba decided that I should return to Shirdi that I had the fortune to visit Him there not once but three times in the last 18 months. Though I was keenly looking forward to this trip, I was also slightly apprehensive that I would have to confront my behaviours and thinking patterns. This trip was all about shedding my baggage, accepting my past, forgiving myself and others, and moving ahead with a firm belief and faith in Baba that He has come into my life to help me and uplift me. I also understood that a part of this journey with Baba also meant that there would be tests I would need to pass to confirm or solidify my unwavering faith in Him. I have been through some psychologically and emotionally challenging times in the last two years, which I now believe were meant to awaken me from the damage I was inflicting on myself. I had to the opportunity to confront my baggage by writing down all those fears and thinking patterns that had been bothering me over many years and then burning it all away in Shirdi.
Before arriving at Shirdi, I had the wish to have some experience from Baba to humble me. This may have been childish, but I was longing for His direct experience so as to confirm that he is looking after me. I must say I received His experience on the very first day I arrived at Shirdi and even before taking Sai Baba’s darshan at His Samadhi. Ravi ji had organized to visit the family of Laxmibai Shinde, to whom Baba had donated 9 divine coins representing nine ways of devotion before leaving His mortal coil. I had not known about this and was deeply moved to learn that those 9 coins exist today and that Laxmibai’s family is still the custodian of them. We visited the home of Arun Gaikwad Patil, the great grandson of Laxmibai. We learned about the great work of Arun ji, who takes these 9 framed coins around the world, giving divine opportunity to devotees of Baba to do puja on the 9 coins and receive Baba’s blessings. After our darshan of the 9 coins, Arun ji was enquiring about our plans at Shirdi and whether we needed any help with darshan and aarti tickets. He enquired about where I was from and how many days, I was staying at Shirdi. When he learned that I was from Bangalore, he immediately said, “I will bring 9 coins to your home”. He was leaving for Bangalore for a few days the next day, and it was up to me to decide the date and time. I felt astonished for a few seconds and responded, saying “yes” without any hesitation. I called my mom soon after saying “yes” and explained all that had happened. Mum got very humbled and said she would take care of all the preparations. She reached out to her neighbours, friends, and family. All of them enthusiastically helped mom with the preparations prescribed by Arun Ji, including catering for guests. Arun ji’s visit was set for the same day I was to return to Bangalore after completing my Shirdi trip. By the time I got home from the airport, all the decorations were complete, and we were waiting for Arun Ji to turn up with 9 coins. He promptly arrived at 7 pm and after settling in for a few minutes, he started the puja with Sai Ashtothara Shatanamavali followed by the evening aarti. Arun Ji was insistent that my mom start the puja with him by offering flowers. According to him, mom was the Laxmi of our home, and only after her offering of flowers to Baba were we eligible to partake in the puja. Through word of mouth, more people came to the puja. I was a bit worried about the adequacy of the catering food but then shrugged off the thought, believing Baba would take care of the situation, and I must say there was enough food left over even after many people had come to the puja. It was my and mom’s good fortune and the company of the right people in our lives that culminated in inviting Baba’s 9 coins to our home. We got blessed, and many people who had faith in Baba also got blessed that day. I asked for one experience, which Baba gave me in abundance.
Now, returning to my Shirdi trip, the rest of my trip was spiritually fulfilling. It was a heart-to-heart connection with Ravi Ji’s clients. I had no expectations for this, and it turned out to be so real and beautiful. There were laughs, banter, and the sharing of our life experiences. We had formed our own ritual for the five days we stayed together. We would start the day promptly by taking Baba’s darshan at 6 AM every morning at His Samadhi and then visiting all the deities in and around the Samadhi mandir, followed by visiting Chavadi, Dwarakamai, and Hanuman mandirs. After the morning ritual, each would have their sessions with Ravi Ji and do their writing work. We would meet for lunch and dinner and share our Shirdi experience. Overall, the company of my new friends made this trip even more special.
On one evening, we went to visit devotee houses such as Bade Baba, Mahasalpathi, and Shyama. At Shyama’s house, we met the widow of Shyama’s daughter-in-law, who is around 80 years old. This opportunity to go into the houses of Baba’s devotees was truly humbling. On another evening, I took part with Ravi Ji in donating food to the poor. It was another grounding experience. Countless numbers of people exist from one meal to the next. I am so fortunate that I have had no such struggles in my life. I complain about not having enough money or being able to afford a mortgage even in my early 40s, but there are literally millions of people who exist from one meal to the next. In comparison, I am filled with abundance. Yes, a mortgage is necessary, but I can plan for it and work towards that goal. So, my real problem is all mental, which puts me to shame. I have no right to complain about anything. Like Baba has said, my duty is to behave properly and fulfil my life’s goals of dharma, artha, kama and moksha.
A day was set aside to visit Shani Shingnapur, Saibaba Tapobhumi Mandir, and Meher Baba Samadhi in Meherabad. Baba, by sending me to all these spiritual places, has lessened my karmic burden and, in a way, set me free from my own miserable creation. Now that I have returned to the UK, the real test is to not snap back to my old ways. I am striving to live in the moment and will patiently wait for Baba to reveal his plan for me, which I am sure will happen when the time is right.
I also would like to add that Ravi Ji had organised the Shirdi trip to perfection. The choice of the hotel was great, organisation of local trips, including airport pick-up and drop-off was executed without a single issue. I am a fully satisfied client.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
On the Guru Poornima day I would like to share following experience with you all:
My friend Anju called me few days ago saying that her brother met with an accident and she needs all of our prayers so the only thought came to my mind is to call Ravi Ji.
Ravi Ji was exactly in Shirdi on that day and she did attend my call (just felt very lucky about it). She asked for the names of both the people who met with that serious accident.
Within 3 days with no major injuries both the couple were discharged from the hospital.
Baba your grace is flowing through Ravi Ji and thank you so much for always giving your helping hand to everyone who comes to you.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Each time I have a session with Ravi Ji, I am feeling full of energy and I feel confident. The session with Ravi Ji helped me to grow my family in every way. I feel very calm and relaxed each time I see her. Thank you, Baba and Ravi Ji.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Over 9 years, Ravi ji has been praying for our family. My son has been struggling with his focus in terms of studies. We have been trying different ways to encourage him but he has been resisting every effort and was playing video games.
Ravi ji has been praying especially considering his exams were a big step for him to go to university.
By Baba’s grace and her prayers, he successfully passed his A level exams and is now got a placement to go to university. We were concerned that he might lose a year but all went happily and he is taking this new step to start university. By Baba’s grace we hope that new environment brings in new changes within him.
I felt a sense of deep gratitude to Sai 9 healing and unwavering sense of thankfulness to Ravi ji for her support and relentless prayers she conducted over years
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
My prayer letter has been answered by Sai Baba. Thank you so much Ravi Ji for keeping my letter at the holy feet of Sai Baba. He answered my prayers and the doctor’s appointment just got over and the doctor said my daughter’s heart is healthy and it’s just an innocent murmur which will fade as she grows. Doctor confirmed that there is no need of further appointments too. I couldn’t control my happiness and happy tears as I heard this.
Thank you so much.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Prayer Letter Devotee
Om Sai Ram Ravi Ji 🙏🏻
I want to give you a tight hug and loads of gratitude for the letter which I mailed you and you kept it at Baba’s feet on your visit to Shirdi.
August month most of the wishes manifested so miraculously. It was a super-duper amazing month for me and certain other blockages I was facing in my life are also getting removed and I am seeing so much transformation happening since 1st August. It’s all miracles of Baba and you have been such an amazing channel.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Prayer Letter Devotee
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The Ganesh meditation was very good and I felt happy when the meditation was done.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Ganesh Chaturthi meditation was a fantastic experience. I wanted to find clarity, balance and joy within myself and meditation helped with that. The meditations were energising and powerful and I feel very fortunate to be part of this experience and learn tools that can be applied in everyday life. Thank you, Ravi Ji!
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
It was ‘A Transformative Journey’ with Ganesh Meditation.
I felt a profound connection to the spiritual realm. I had mediation sessions with Ravi ji earlier as well. She makes sure the ambiance is perfectly set; a silent space put me at ease. It was both enlightening and deeply introspective, helping me unlock mental barriers I wasn’t even aware of.
Ravi Ji’s voice was calming, guiding us through the various stages of the meditation with grace and clarity. As we delved deeper, the symbolic presence baba became increasingly palpable. I felt a surge of energy, a sense of liberation from my worries, and a newfound clarity of purpose. I struggle a bit to concentrate but Ravi ji made sure I am working on it.
Beyond the meditation itself, the experience was enhanced by the sharing session that followed. Felt moved and transformed by their connection with Ganesh.
For anyone seeking spiritual grounding, mental clarity, or simply a moment of peace, I highly recommend Ravi Ji.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
This message is regarding the experience of meditation with Ravi Ji on Ganesh Chaturthi. I take sessions regularly with Ravi Ji and all I get after session is so much of positivity and confidence. Ganesh Chaturthi meditation was so so amazing. I feel I am protected by an aura around me. There is no obstacle can harm me in any way. Very happy and light hearted after my session. Thank you Baba , Ganesh Ji and Ravi Ji for everything.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Meditation sessions during the Ganesh festival were deeply calming and rejuvenating. I felt these meditations were needed for my body and soul, as I had been busy lately with work-related travel and delivering important projects. The tools used by Ravi Ji to guide my meditation allowed me to experience the intense feeling of being on Shirdi soil. Baba’s energy was both forgiving and reassuring, as he was always there for me.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I would like to thank Ravi Ji for the Ganesh Chaturthi Mediation I have had recently.
The experience was very uplifting and I felt tremendous positive energy. I felt that blockages, insecurities, limited beliefs that I was carrying for years were eliminated with light positive energy flowing through me.
I felt very connected to baba throughout the mediation and Ravi Ji beautifully guided me through this journey of light. She made me feel at ease, comfortable and helped me face my fears to believe that anything we want to achieve is possible. I felt lighter, positive and full of energy.
Thank you for such a beautiful experience and I truly believe there will be many positive shifts in all areas of my life in the future.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I always believed Baba as a God and felt his divine presence behind me even though my devotion was not consistent. I first prayed intensely many years ago when he helped me to pass my MBBS exams. Looking back, I realise that his grace was automatically there in solving other personal problem even when I did not seek his help.
Few years ago, my sister went through divorce which was painful and unavoidable. We started looking for matches for a fresh start of her life. My sister was keen on staying in our home city but finding the right person was becoming impossible leave alone them being in the same city.
My parents conducted various poojas, visited different temples and consulted several astrologers. Meanwhile, we sisters joined Mahaparayan group and found our strength. I even spoke to Ravinder Ji couple of years ago who kindly listened to me. Time was just passing by despite all these efforts without any hope. I was praying intensely and literally begging Baba to give a solution.
Finally, I surrendered to Baba and thought whatever he wishes should happen and there is no point resisting the situation. I was scrolling at YouTube videos and glanced at this message which says “My child marry someone who encourages you, prays for you and most importantly leads you closer to me “. That was the day when she had met her life partner who lives in our home city. Eventually, they both got married by Baba’s grace.
My love and devotion for Baba has become immense. He is my God, Guru and everything. I now understand that the delays helped me to get closer to Baba. These are usually testing times due to our past life karma but Baba never leaves us once he takes our responsibility. So, please do not leave faith and always surrender totally with patience.
Om Sai Ram
Baba’s devotee
Anniversary Meditation Experience by Srinath
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The past year has been challenging in so many ways and yet things worked out well in the end. I am glad I have come into contact with Ravi Ji and seeking Baba’s guidance via her. I look forward to the journey much more positively now and I am bit more content than ever.
Om Sai Ram
Anniversary Meditation Experience by Reha
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The meditation session was a wonderful experience. I felt connected and guided by Baba. I am truly grateful for this chance to connect and learn from Baba and his teachings in order to achieve things in life and find focus and direction.
Om Sai Ram
Anniversary Meditation Experience by Dipti
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
The anniversary meditation experience was really good as I feel positive and closer to Baba. It was good imagining Sai Baba in Shirdi and doing the meditation. I felt really connected to Baba holding the book near me. Ravi has given me lot of guidance and advice relating to Shirdi Baba and how to connect to Shirdi to achieve my goals.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram ji,
I take sessions regularly with Ravi ji and after each session I get so much of positivity and confidence.
Navratri meditation was very special as I feel I am protected by the blessings of Durga Ma and Baba always.
I feel very strong mentally. There is always an inner peace, calmness in every session.
I feel very happy, confident and focused towards my future after my sessions.
Thank you Baba, Durga Ma, and Ravi Ji for everything
🙏🏻 Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Baba’s devotee Suchita
Om Sai Ram ji,
I am writing about my wonderful Navratri Mediation which I recently had with Ravi Ji.
The mediation was very powerful. I truly felt the presence of baba and my energy levels become very positive. Ravi ji beautifully guided me through this experience to balance my mind and soul.
I felt very connected to baba and totally energized eliminating all blockages and negativity in my mind. Although I have been very challenged during this time I managed to keep calm chanting baba’s name at all times. Ravi Ji advised me to be patient and surrender all my problems and negative thoughts to baba – He knows best. I truly felt all my blockages clearing and negativity being released.
Again, thank you to Ravi Ji for always connecting to Baba and showing me the right path.
You truly are Baba’s angel spreading light in so many lives.
Baba’s devotee Sapna
Om Sai Ram ji,
The Navaratri meditation was a very energising and wonderful experience, where I felt I connected more to Durga Maa. I feel really lucky to be guided by Ravi ji and Baba as I was able to explore and confront certain things in my life and I feel much happier for it.
Thank you Ravi ji
Om Sai Ram!
Baba’s devotee Reha
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
9 day meditation is a beautiful experience as it creates discipline at a time, when it is the purest and powerful days of the year.
I had the opportunity to participate by the grace of Baba despite of various challenges at the same time. Sometimes we have to trust that everything is divinely ordained, and Baba knows what is best for us. In my case during these medications, I identified that my state of mind has no place for intervention, but it is Baba himself healing me. The journey of healing is always enchanting and new things keep coming up to resolve.
I had my moments where my faith was tested but slowly answers started to unwind. They had a beautiful energy and deep insights were drawn within me. Every time I felt few steps were tough to walk and concentrate, new things were emerging.
They helped me a lot at the tough times of life. I started to feel stronger within and seeing light towards the end.
Grateful for this opportunity given by Sai 9 Healing and by every year Ravi seems to grow into new dimensions which is nice to see.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba’s devotee Anupama Ganapathiraju
Ganesh puja this time was special with my son going to university. Every day the meditation was beautiful and felt that God was planning things for me rather than me. This year I could not have puja at home, but everything was taken care with Ravi ji taking care of our idol.
I felt every day new layers within me were coming to clear and it was making me introspect on life. The timing was very divine and I could feel God’s blessing at all times.
Most important observation for me was the turn of events when Ravi ji got the idols for visarjan – both our idols had same hand broken and it was as if God was stating a strong message that he is taking away our blocks.
This was very much an indication that his blessings were with us and will remain always.
Om Sai Ram
Baba’s devotee Anupama Ganapathiraju
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I would like to write about another Sai miracle which happened to my daughter this morning.
For weeks my daughter has been looking for a job since her graduation. She has applied for over 500 roles and was becoming very anxious, disheartened and upset. It was very difficult to see her in this way and was affecting her mental balance.
I was speaking to Ravi Ji and asking for her prayers, guidance and support. Ravi Ji kept saying that a wonderful opportunity would come her way and to keep believing, praying and having faith in Baba.
Ravi Ji spoke to my daughter early this week and re-assured her that baba was with her and the right opportunity would come her way very soon.
This morning she was offered a wonderful opportunity which she had been waiting for weeks. Both of us were so happy and so thankful to Ravi Ji and Baba for their grace.
Baba and Ravi Ji are truly amazing always guiding, protecting and loving us when we have lost hope. Ravi Ji’s guidance and support is a true blessing from Baba.
Thank you again Ravi Ji may Baba bless you and keep spreading the word of Baba’s teaching and miracles.
Om Sai Ram
Baba’s devotee Diya Bhandari
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
This message is regarding my experience while having my meditation-healing sessions with Ravi ji.
From one week my husband was very upset due to some personal family issues at his side. He was very frustrated /angry, and he was even drinking more than he should have. He was arguing and getting angry for no reason with me and my kids. He was feeling very down, and he didn’t even want to go to his work.
When I told Ravi ji regarding his situation, Ravi ji sent healing and prayers for him. And from the same evening I saw him getting settled. He became so calm, and his attitude changed positively.
Within two days he became completely different and normal as before.
I must say thank you to Baba and Ravi ji for helping him and taking him out from that situation with the powerful prayers and healing.
Om Sai Ram
Baba’s devotee
Anonymous Devotee
Om Sai Ram
Meditation today has been a very grounding experience. It allowed me to experience what was that very aspect of me that not allows me to be in the present moment.
I realized that it is me constantly regretting the past, that doesn’t allow me to live in the moment. Today I experienced the switch within me.
A very beautiful me is all I could see.
Thank you and feeling blessed.
Baba’s devotee Anu
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Today was very amazing and I felt very connected. I enjoyed the company of all the individuals in the room as they all are lovely.
I feel quite happy to be part of the crystal course as it was very grounding experience where I felt a ray of light that changed round the corner. It was seen in a very clear and concise manner and energy was amazing in the room. Quite knowledgeable and good feeling overall.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I felt a lot of energy during today’s meditation. Baba keeps emphasizing to keep doing things. The message I also got was that the world is always going to be busy and noisy.
I have to practice being calmer inside and try to not let the busy world affect me.
I felt a lot of energy from the crystals today. I really enjoyed learning how to connect deeper with them, and how to use them with different aspects in my life.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
I would like to share my experience on the Crystal Healing course I recently attended with Ravi Ji.
I was always sceptical about crystals but after attending the course and with Ravi’s guidance through Baba I am totally transformed.
In the group session we were asked to chant Baba’s name and choose our crystal. As I was chanting a particular crystal caught my eye to which I was drawn to. As soon I picked up my crystal I felt an overwhelming sense of peace, positivity, and healing.
I was advised to hold the crystal in my right hand and keep chanting Baba’s name. I cannot comprehend how powerful and bold I was feeling and all the blockages clearing before I walked into the room.
There was an overwhelming feeling of power, positivity, and balance within me.
I now keep the crystal very close to me at all times and before I work or have a decision to make I hold the crystal and chant Baba’s name creating extreme confidence within myself.
Thank you Ravi Ji for such an enjoyable and positive experience – totally enlightened again by Baba’s grace under your guidance.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Baba said in my meditation that help is coming. There may have been a delay, but there won’t be disappointment.
Crystal energy from the one I picked via Baba’s grace is warm and it feels it belongs in my hand. It is giving me the inspiration to move forward and grow. I feel fear was subsiding. I feel the crystal simply belongs to me.
Before I tell you about Sai’s miracles, I want to say thank you to Sai for always taking care of me and my family. Even though I did not know Sai, He took me under His wing just like a mother bird. I feel his presence.
I was married for 8 years but couldn’t conceive. My sister in law introduced me to Sai and Sai’s MahaParayan group. Without thinking much, I joined the group and within the second anniversary of joining the MP group, I was blessed with twins.
My twins were pre-mature and the younger one was in the incubator. The doctors were not hopeful. It was a difficult time for us. I contacted Ravi ji and told her the problem. She was in Shirdi that time. She told me she will pray for my children. She acted like Baba’s angel who told me not to worry, apply Udi on the child’s forehead and all will be well. With full faith, I applied Udi and within 19-20 days they were discharged from the hospital and back home. Sai’s blessing and Ravi ji’s prayer saved my family.
Recently, the elder twin had high temperature. The doctors did all tests. The CPR level was extremely high. Not knowing what type of infection it is, no medicine was working. I once again folded my hands in front of Sai. I called Ravi ji and told her the problem. With a calm mind she told me not to worry, she will pray to Sai. She told me to apply Udi. I did and within a few hours my son started feeling better. There was no temperature next day and he was discharged from the hospital. I have no words to describe how protected I feel with Sai. He’s given us the Sanjeevani Booti – his Udi. I have faith on Him that he will take care of us. He’s the only support I can rely on.
My Sai loves to play hide and seek. One time, I misplaced my Sai Vrat katha book. I looked everywhere but couldn’t find it. After 2 days, when I went to school, one of my colleague gave me a Sai Vrat katha book. I found Sai again. He came back to me.
I have never been to Shirdi, but I have always felt Sai with me, helping me, silently fixing situations I’m not even aware of. I didn’t have Udi, and Sai sent me Udi through my supervisor who recently went to Shirdi. He’s aware of things before I even realize I want something.
Koti koti pranam mere Sai – unlimited greetings and total surrender to you my Sai.
Sai devotee
Om Sai Ram,
Meditation on Maha Shivaratri was an amazing experience and I really enjoyed it. I was able to spend time with Shiva ji, explore certain things in my life and I feel happier and positive towards the future. Ravi ji is truly the most gifted healer and teacher. I always feel calmer and reassured after the meditations. I am deeply grateful to Ravi ji for giving me this wonderful l opportunity on such an auspicious day! Thank you, Baba, for blessing my life.
Om Sai Ram,
The Maha Shivaratri meditation was both comforting and reassuring as if my body and soul needed this experience. The various steps in the meditation process allowed me to settle my thoughts and gain focus. I prayed for the wellbeing of everyone present in my life, which filled me with a certain confidence to march forward in life. I would be willing to do this meditation again in the future.
Peace and prosperity to all.
Om Sai Ram ji,
This message is regarding the experience of meditation on Maha Shivaratri with Ravi Ji.
I regularly take sessions with Ravi Ji and all I get after each session is so much of positivity and confidence.
Maha Shivaratri meditation was very special as I feel I am protected by blessings of Shiv ji and Baba with me always.
Whatever was happening within me, I became so calm and relaxed. I feel very strong mentally. I feel very light headed. There is always an inner peace, calmness in every session.
I feel Very happy, confident and focused towards my future after my session.
Thank you, Baba, Shiv ji, and Ravi ji, for everything.
Suchita ji
Om Sai Ram
I would like to thank you Ravi ji and Baba for the beautiful and highly energic Maha Shivaratri meditation I experienced last week.
The meditation was very powerful, calming and full of positivity.
During the meditation I felt very connected to Baba and felt positive shifts taking place inside me. Feelings of emptiness, lack of direction, insecurities & negative thoughts shifted and I felt positive energy and light entering into my life.
I felt a natural upsurge in energy, positive thinking and a spiritual awakening.
I would like to thank you Ravi ji and Baba for such a unique experience and guiding me to the light of Baba.
Ravi ji is a true angel of Baba bringing light and positivity to many people’s lives.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Meditation at Sai 9 Healing are very authentic and energise our body and soul. During Shivaratri my inner self felt a lot of strength and was feeling rejuvenated as I was doing meditation.
It was a unique and divine experience which felt soulful. There was God’s blessing throughout the experience.
I felt unconditional love all through and thank you to Baba, Sai 9 Healing for arranging a dedicated experience.
Om Sai Ram
Say Baba I feel is always with me, I should say my best friend.
A couple of times, whenever I felt I was stuck with something, Baba has always helped me through something or someone.
That someone, I would say, is Ravi Ji. I first knew Ravi ji through the MahaParayan group. In my absolute low and downtimes, I reached out to her for guidance, and she always helped me without any hesitation through calls and messages.
Ravi Ji guided me in my personal life, professional/career, and health-related issues. I remember once I reached out to her with a job-related concern, her advice helped me get into a well-known organization. Later, I had a surgery and was going through the most difficult times, her prayers and advice helped me to get strong mentally and recover physically. There are some experiences for which I have no words to express.
Whenever I felt I need some advice I always reach out to Ravi ji, she is always there, I strongly feel Baba answers to me through her. Ravi ji has been a great support, I cannot thank her enough.
Baba Miracles are always surprising, I wish to do meditation and healing sessions with Ravi ji, perhaps Baba will make it happen soon. I thank Ravi Ji from the bottom of my heart, I hope her prayers reaches to many more people who need Baba’s guidance.
Sai Ram
During the Ram Navami Meditation, many things were brought up about myself that I need to focus on to help me achieve my goals. It was a transformational experience and I felt extremely positive and encouraged. Thank you very much for this opportunity.
Sai Ram
During the meditation on Hanuman Jayanti, I felt strongly connected to Hanuman Dada. I felt guided by Hanuman to improve myself and better my life. I found the meditation very reassuring, felt stronger and prayed to Hanuman Dada for courage and wisdom. Thank you, Baba and Ravi ji, for blessing me and giving me this opportunity on this powerful day.
Sai Ram
Hanuman Meditation was uniquely so touching as I could feel the presence of Hanuman Ji coming in and embracing me throughout the meditation. Guiding me to stand strong with courage and clarity as I move forward.
With Ravi Ji’s coaching and guidance, I also will apply additional techniques I learned about myself from the meditation to future meditations so to help me navigate and grow in areas I’m wanting to especially when meditating.
Grateful for the experience.
Om Sai Ram!
I seek Baba’s blessing to write my experience on having a decade long healing sessions and finally marking a close to the sessions on Shivaratri day in March 2024.
The journey has been phenomenal as I stepped through the Sai 9 Healing centre and met Ravi and 10 years later, where I stand. Today I am a woman, who developed understanding of self-love and carry immense faith that everything that happens in my life is God’s plan. As I am writing my experience, I am seeing the divine lamps that are lit in front of Baba and altar at my home. The lamp is balanced, calm and there is peace. The Gods are protecting me, is my inner emotion and this emotion came from a journey of healing of 10 years. A decade ago, every lamp around me was flickering and there was restlessness, and a fear of the lamp blowing out but today there is divine grace.
The beauty of Sai 9 Healing is, it is never about just having Reiki where hands are on your body and a channelised energy heals you, but it is different & unique where Baba works his way through you. Patience and perseverance are key attributes through the process that is conducted by Ravi who is the soul driver of this healing practice. Over years she found some profound tools that heal the mind body and soul. Today when I walk, I hear nature speaking to me, I see Baba walking along side holding my hand, miracles are a part of my everyday life as Ravi through her healing, created a sense of oneness with Baba.
I am grateful to have a family which I am more aligned, and acceptance exists within all of us as a family. The healing process does not change people around you, but it creates a stepping stone within you to accept everyone with unconditional love and acceptance. Today I carry immense faith and each time I am at pinnacle of a challenge; What is the lesson? How would Ravi think when she is in this situation? Baba, show me the path. Truth be said, Baba clears it; honestly, I have seen many instances in every day over the last 2 months where Baba takes charge.
Ravi and Baba worked relentlessly to heal me over years, as this life gave me so many experiences that I packaged into my mind and body. My mind is healed and yes there is always room for improvement, but I do feel I progressed a lot. My body needs healing but I guess Baba has a plan and wants me to take some personal responsibility before healing, so he will guide me over months to come. Ravi was that person, who when I was at crossroads took charge of my life and pushed the boundaries to keep my life on the path despite of my lack of awareness to the self. We expect that in life our loved ones which is our family, are the ones who take care of us but not as God, who knows what is best for us and in my case, he chose Sai 9 Healing and parented me over the last decade through Ravi.
The value of tools taught in the sessions might be less understood at the time of having healing sessions, but it will be heavily valued when we stop sessions. They became a medicine for me to walk in this mundane existence which is full of challenges. The magic for me unfolded from the point I stopped sessions as few incidents made me connect the dots. Having faith in Baba and gratitude to Ravi, is all I can write as my final words. With many prayers we have a new home, and every part of this home is filled with Baba’s grace and love. It is Ravi’s prayers and Baba’s love which has blessed me with a new beginning in life. My home will be a place of pure divine grace and that is all I experience, and gratitude is pouring when I write these words. Ravi’s prayers continue to protect us.
Challenges are still there around health and many areas of life, but I have faith that my Baba will do what is best for me and I shall gracefully accept his every plan and embrace each experience as a blessing. That is what Sai 9 Healing brings in you, FAITH and LOVE ….. Thank you!!!!
Om Sai Ram
I have been part of MahaParayan from the time it was formed in the UK and have seen many miracles in my day-to-day life.
One more recent one I want to share with MahaParayan Family Group – I had a small scar on the right side of my eye from the time I was born. Recently from 6 months the scar got increased and I was recommended to dermatologist who further with investigation advised that I should have a biopsy and the scar should be checked for any cancer cells. Immediately I called Ravi ji and mentioned what was going on. She said she will keep me in her prayers. She also advised me to apply some Vibhuti for the next 7 days. My husband was also devastated with this as he was recently out of cancer and in maintenance now. His own brother was diagnosed with cancer in November 2022. Everyone was concerned.
Finally, I went to my appointment and they re-tested the scar. The room was ready with all the equipment needed for the biopsy. But to everyone’s surprise the doctor said a biopsy is not required and he ruled out cancer. I can’t express our relief after this.
Thanks to everyone and especially to Ravi ji who helped to grow this group. I am blessed to be a part of this. Thanks to everyone for their seva.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram!
Firstly I would like to thank all the volunteers who work closely with Baba and make others work.
I joined MahaParayan a few years ago and got so much involved. In 2020 we moved home, it’s our dream home which we always wanted and plan to retire here.
In 2021 my husband’s heart beat was bit high so I forced him to visit doctor. He never visited a doctor from the time we are in the UK from 2010. Baba always took care of us. My husband is also part of the MahaParayan family. As it was covid time I was not allowed to enter the hospital and I was asked to wait outside. After an hour I got a call from hubby saying that it’s getting late, you go home. I will call once it’s done. I went home as I had left my son at home who is 12yrs old. I got call around 1 in the morning and was told that they found some liquid around his heart and they are treating it as emergency, thinking it can lead to heart attack. I said I will drive behind the ambulance but I was not allowed.
I kept waiting for a call till morning from 4 a.m. At 5 a.m. I got the call stating that they have him in a room and upon booking I can visit him. Only I was allowed to visit and we were already broken by then. When I met the doctor, they said they have the scans and can see two lumps, one near the chest and one near the kidney. They said they can’t tell anything until the biopsy is done. After the biopsy and pet scan it was confirmed it’s a cancer. Doctors said it’s a very rare cancer and usually found in ages after 60 or below 10. He literally started crying and asked Baba why me, what have I done. I haven’t harmed anyone in this life. They said might need to go with transplantation.
Baba’s first miracle after bone marrow was that they confirmed it’s less than required percentage so transplantation is not required. And by Baba’s grace they moved him to Oxford immediately and chemo was started within a week. By Baba’s grace first chemo was fine and second was strong. It was so strong that it led to pancreatitis and immediately he was moved to the ICU. It was his birthday and I had to wish him in ICU. We always had trust in Baba that he will take care of his kids. At this time, he stopped reading Parayan and had to quit the group. After 2 months by Ravi Ji’s prayers and Baba’s blessings he moved out of ICU. From there he slowly started recovering. He joined back Baba’s MahaParayan group. When his treatments were going on he used to listen to chapters and prayed to Baba. After a year after so with many ups and downs, by Baba’s grace he was confirmed to be in remission. He alone can do miracles in life. He was always there with us. We both are Baba devotees from our school time. There was never a visit to India without going to Shirdi. We always used to think why such a punishment. But Baba says it’s not only in this life this is karma of previous lives. With Baba’s Udi and blessings, he is doing better now. Thanks for all the prayers for his recovery. He started with his maintenance from today. Which is for two years and I am sure Baba will take care and cover this as well.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
My mom suffered from very bad food poisoning and stopped eating; she was not able to stand up without any support. My family was going through a lot of tension and was very disturbed.
We took her to the doctor, and they found out that she is highly dehydrated and needs to be in observation for a few days with drips. We did not know what to do. I was worried a lot and suddenly got reminded of Ravi Ji. I got in touch with her, and she said she would pray for my mom. She did the prayers for her, and in the next two days she has shown slight improvement and recovered slowly.
I am very thankful to Ravi Ji for helping my family out and being kind enough to pray for mom. Above all, I am always thankful to our Baba.
Om Sai Ram
Thank you Ravi, for the amazing journey that has led me to a path of peace, positivity and harmony. Sai 9 Healing has enabled me to connect with Sai Baba in a way I never thought was possible. I see him, feel him, and know he is with me in all of life’s challenges and joys. Through the tools, meditation and prayers you provided during this experience, I have learnt so much about myself, from my strengths, to weaknesses, to goals and ambitions. Though our Sai healing journey has come to close, I walk away with a with a genuine appreciation and love from Sai Baba and life itself, knowing I will always be protected and guided by the almighty Sai.
Thank you again
Anjli Sidhu
My husband got diagnosed with a benign tumour near his neck side and started experiencing severe headaches due to this tumour. Every passing day used to be so difficult to witness the pain that he had to go through. Doctors suggested surgery and we knew that surgery would take time and there is no guarantee of the outcome. By this time, we came in contact with Ravi Ji who guided us through to pain management and kept our faith in Baba. Once the surgery was over, the problems didn’t solve at once and my husband fainted in the hospital lift and he had to be readmitted to hospital after which there was another surgery done and my husband was then sent back home to recover.
The pain though didn’t stop. Ravi Ji kept our faith in Baba and my husband had to be re-admitted to hospital for an infection which he developed. At this time Ravi Ji guided us that always, healing by Baba is step by step. Once the infection treatment started, slowly other problems from the first surgery like coordination and double vision issues started getting better. With one more final surgery, my husband got better and his recovery started since the final discharge from the hospital. The journey has been quite arduous but continuing faith in Baba guided us through this time and allowed us to traverse this path without any doubt and without giving up. Thank you Ravi ji, for keeping our faith alive and steady during this tough period.
Sai Ram
Guru Purnima was a wonderful day, where I experienced a lovely meditation. The message I received was to keep moving forward, to stop looking at the past as this is what is holding me back. I felt lot of gratitude and appreciation for Baba and my parents, who are my first teachers. After the meditation I felt a lot lighter in my body, and felt at peace within. Thank you Ravi ji, for giving me this opportunity. I am very blessed. I very much appreciate that you give so much of your time and dedication to all of us, in order to help us to progress in our lives and on our spiritual journey.
During every meditation we unfold something within ourself is my experience with Sai 9 healing.
I feel more closer to Baba and there is a sense of silence which is unwavering.
Meditation was special ✨ as always
I felt immense gratitude to be part of Guru Purnima meditation. A great comfort of being held. Knowing I am and always have/will be guided/coached. Well after the meditation I can still feel the immense joy from Guru Purnima meditation.
Sai Ram.
Thank you, Baba for calling me to Shirdi again for it was such an amazing trip. A few years ago, I would never have imagined that I would visit Shirdi. I am grateful to Ravi ji for organising this trip which took her many months to plan.
Sessions with Ravi ji went to a deeper level as I needed to confront things within myself. Ravi ji is very intuitive in guiding me to get to the root of the belief/issue. I feel lucky to always have Baba in my life and His patience with me as I do realise that I have been very resistant to change. Spending time with Baba gave me time to reflect on my own life and that everything is a result of my thoughts and belief systems. Also to find courage inside myself and keep the faith in Baba. I feel really happy to have experienced the evening aarti in Dwarkamai with other devotees which was a wonderful experience. Ravi ji organised Anna Daan and I was really touched to be able to serve food in Shirdi. During our stay I was guided to discover something new, a new place in Shirdi, a new temple and new areas within myself. I feel more positive and confident thanks to Baba’s grace.
Meher Baba
In a beautifully tranquil location, the Meher Baba meditation guided me to find the peace and stillness within me. I realised that I will always be aware of the noises and external distractions but not need to take them on, I don’t need to get involved in everything, have an opinion on everything. I can learn to let go and be freer in my mind. I felt such calm and contentment in Meher Baba’s ashram.
Ganesh Meditation
I was extremely blessed to have a guided meditation during Ganesh Chaturthi in Shirdi. Ravi ji gently guided me to look within and connect with myself, what I had stored within me, what beliefs and fears I needed to let go of. I have come back with a better understanding of myself. I felt a sense of peace as I prayed to Lord Ganesh to guide me in letting things go that I have been holding onto, in order to move forward in life.
Navaratri meditation
The Navaratri meditation was extremely powerful and energising for me, and I was guided by Durga Maa to look within to find strength, open my heart and to acknowledge the beliefs and stories that I have told about myself, which is not serving me. Ravi ji gently guides you at your own pace to seek the answers for yourself and to look at things in your life. I have come back with a better understanding of myself.
There were periods when I was yearning to go to Shirdi, but Baba wouldn’t let me, which was even more puzzling. All He was doing was simply testing my faith; He was teaching me to be patient. When Baba decided it was time to visit Him, it happened four times within the last three years. Between each visit to Shirdi, Baba put me and my family through some tough tests, which were ultimately to improve our lives, become better at who we are, and further confirm our faith in Him. This trip in September 2024 was reassuring that I belonged in His court and that it was always my own doubts about myself that hindered my progress. Over the last three years Baba forced me to look inward so that there was no choice but to reflect on my life and start taking steps to bring about changes in my life – improve thought patterns, be non-judgmental, trust in His plan, appreciate patience as a virtue and believe in myself that I am a capable individual. I am truly happy that I am in Shirdi Sai Baba’s grace.
Meher Baba
The moment I stepped into Meher Baba’s Samadhi, I had the impression that He was saying, ‘Oh, you have come.’ This experience was not strange or surprising to me, but rather he was saying, ‘Yes, I know you’ and ‘I am there for you.’ The peace at Meherabad was a unique experience. The peace was so content that the wants of life seemed to disappear. I believed that, depending on how we approach life, we have the option to always feel content.
Ganesh meditation
In the meditation, the time it took to minimise my thoughts and connect within myself seemed easier. I saw Lord Krishna taking me on His chariot and said, ‘I will accompany you and lead you in this journey.’ I believe I am ready to begin a new chapter in my life, be it a new career path, buying a house, or opening my heart to someone.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
It’s been two years since I have started my sessions with Ravi ji. The meditation session I had while Ravi ji was in Shirdi was the best.
I felt so much presence of Baba’s guidance and blessings around me. As always Ravi Ji made me to feel so calm and confident about my present and future as I was really worried. I must say it was truly incredible and my heart is full of inner peace and happiness. I feel a very positive vibes and aura around me. If feels like I have visited Shirdi and have a Darshan of Sai baba myself. Truly amazing.
Thank you Baba and Ravi ji.
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻
Our Baba’s Shirdi is not just a place for devotion but also for deep self-reflection. Participating in online meditation sessions with Ravi ji in Shirdi, the serene environment and divine energy made it a calming and enriching experience. I feel more centred and focused, even on my busiest days and he practices have helped me manage stress and anxiety. I strongly recommend this to everyone.
Sai Priya
Shirdi Trip
I have just come back from my Shirdi Trip that Ravi Ji organised from September 5th – September 16th 2024. I am so grateful and thankful to Ravi ji for inviting me and feel so blessed to have experienced such a wonderful journey. The trip was well organised and planned and I visited so many pilgrimages and places of worship which I could never have experienced without her help and direction. All the visits were truly fulfilling and enlightening and the daily Darshans in Shirdi truly brought new waves of energy in my soul. We were so lucky to be in Shirdi during Ganesh time a truly powerful time of new energy, light and blessings. Ravi Ji organised all areas of the trip to perfection from transportation, food and visits. She ensured we were all looked after and informed of all the trips in advance and what was required on a daily basis. She organised daily feeding which was a truly enjoyable and fulfilling experience. I had healing and mediation sessions in Shirdi which made me stronger, happier and totally blessed. I have come back feeling happier and totally energized and ready for new chapters in my life.
Thank you Ravi Ji for organising such a wonderful and blessed trip and I would recommend anyone to join this trip in the future if they get the opportunity to go. You will truly come back with a new lease of life and blessing from Baba.
Meher Baba Mediation
This was such a moving and soul connecting experience. We visited Meher Baba which is about 1.5 hours from Shirdi. After taking Darshan we had a group mediation session in the grounds of Meher Baba. The mediation was so powerful and peaceful and I felt so at peace. I learnt that our silence has all the answers. We just need to full faith and belief in ourselves and Baba will always guide us on the correct path. Through Baba we have all the answers within ourselves. Ravi ji guided us through the mediation promoting a sense of peace, hope and tranquillity. Again truly blessed to have experienced such a wonderful journey.
Ganesh Mediation
The Ganesh Mediation was very powerful removing blockages, negative energy and healing. We visited various Temples both in Mumbai and Shirdi during this powerful time and we followed rituals that I have never experienced. The mediation was very powerful and I felt very connected and energetic feeling lighter happier and powerful. Ravi ji guided us through the mediation and left me feeling more positive in my journey of my life. Again a truly enlightening experience.
Thank you Ravi Ji for all your help in guiding and growing me and I look forward to all the positive changes in my life.
Om Sai ram
Om Sai Ram Ji
I am blessed that I was able to contribute in Anna daan without actually going to Shirdi. All thanks to Ravi ji, my request was accepted and executed.
Ravi ji arranged the food and distributed it to the blessed Shirdi people. She sent me photos so I could be part of the occasion.
When we think of doing good, Sai makes a way. Thank you Ravi ji.
Om Sai Ram Ji
Thank you Sai.
Once again I have come here to tell you how much Sai and Ravi ji helped me. I received the support and positivity at the time when I needed it most.
My son had just given his medicine entrance exam and he wasn’t happy with his score. He had set a certain expectation, which if achieved would have been marvellous.
When he was preparing for the entrance, I prayed to Sai. I was confident Sai would make it happen.
When we got the marks – it wasn’t as expected. He got great marks but not as per his expectation.
He cried and was really upset. Being a mother, I asked Sai why He did it. Why didn’t He listen. Sai knew how hard my son worked. Deep down I knew all will be well in the end, but every time I used to see my son in tears, I used to breakdown. I fought with Sai – I did and I’m really sorry for it. When I was angry with Sai, I felt as if there is no meaning in my life. My life just seemed so empty. There was no cushion, there was no warmth.
I forgot how to pray. I wasn’t sure if my request and prayers were reaching Sai. I couldn’t understand the meaning of the messages Sai was telling me via Facebook posts.
I wanted the negativity to finish and my son to be happy again. I didn’t want him to lose faith in hard work.
We tried everything, but my son was not ready to shake it off. It came to a point where he said, what is the use of working so hard! It broke my heart to see him like this.
I spoke to Ravi ji. I told her everything. She was very calm and listened to me. I even told her I was angry with Sai. She told me that there is no point being angry with Sai. He’s listening, and will act when its time. All will be well. She said she will keep us in her prayers.
To remove the negativity and trapped energy, she suggested sprinkling the miraculous udi water everywhere in the house while chanting Sai’s name. To keep the windows open for fresh air to come in. I did exactly as I was told, after cleaning the house, I sprinkled udi water everywhere remembering Sai.
I patiently waited for son to come back from school and miracles of miracles happened, he was happy and smiled. He showed some eagerness and positivity to carry on. He started researching universities – previously he point blankly refused to go to just any university.
All I can say is that Ravi ji was the medium in approaching Sai deva. She held my hand and made me patiently wait. She spoke to Sai and comforted us all with positive rays.
We are waiting to hear back from universities, but Sai is there to take care of everything.
I sometimes doubt, but I talk to myself that I have Sai. If He’s helping then why should I doubt. He will help. He will take care of us. He loves us. The more I think the more I realize I am very blessed. To be in the company of saints and like minded people is a true blessing!
Thank you Sai for everything. For not leaving me even when I was upset with you. For taking care of me and my family every time, silently and lovingly.
Please help us understand your ways. Give maturity to everyone to understand and respect Your grace in life.
Thank you once again Ravi ji for all your help.
Meher Baba meditation
Om Sai Ram.
Some moments in life change everything for you and I strongly believe that my time at Meherabad was memorable.
The meditation was divinely ordained and it was unwinding to me the Suttle gap between human intervention to God’s presence. I saw Meher Baba physically standing in front of me, smiling and there was so much to that experience.
The breeze filled with rose petals, love in his eyes, grace engulfing my thoughts and every moment felt priceless of unconditional acceptance from God.
My Baba sent me there and there was a purpose to unravel answers pondering for years about myself. Meher baba blessed me and I feel a part me is left at his samadhi.
I am blessed to have a blissful journey.
It was truly a remarkable experience to meditate at Meher Baba’s ashram.
Navaratri meditation
Om Sai Ram.
Navaratri meditation was an experience which allowed me to connect to my inner self.
Ravi’s guided meditation helped to clear patterns within my thinking. The meditation helped me to become more humble and centred. I felt Baba blessing me and clearing my vision as to the direction of travel.
Fear is a very big part of everything we do say be it in life or within relationships. Once we shed this, there are whole new doors of opportunities that open up and this is what happened with me during Navaratri meditation.
I now am living in a space of faith and happy to observe things at on set (less indulgent).
Every meditation clears something and for me it cleared fears coming from many life times.
Om Sai Ram.
Kashi Trip
A city where sunrise brings exuberance and it is tranquillity in the sky.
The Ganga river is embedded with peace and the waters flow to tell us the prominence of nature breathing through us. I felt soaking love ❤ in the love of mother Ganga and mother’s blessing reached into every cell of my body.
So many variations when I look back: the energy centric abode Kashi Vishwanath and the city buzzling with people, lights , fragrance , lamps , bells and Pires of dead people… what a magnificence when all of this happens together ❤ telling us that birth to death are all events are for celebration.
The colours of the sky, beautiful temples, lovely people, matka tea, God’s blessing and Ghats speaking to us on the importance of human facets.
The city is a marvel to human experience and Ganga aarti teaches you respect to nature.
Kashi or Varanasi, whatever we call it as is the land of Indian heritage and God’s love. ❤
Ganesh Meditation
Om Sai Ram
I had a meditation session with Ravinder Bhamber during Ganesh Chaturthi when she was in Shirdi. It was so powerful and different.
I did the session after months and found the session very energetic and brought back my spirits. I have been feeling very low in spirit and with family and work commitments, I could not do any meditation.
The session re-ignited me and I learnt new techniques which I have not heard elsewhere. It was well worth it.
I am grateful to Ravi ji who always make sure that our well-being continues and for keeping us in her prayers tirelessly.
Thank you Sai.
Thank you Ravi ji.
Navaratri Meditation
Om Sai Ram
My second session of meditation was during Navaratri time. Ravi did the 1 to 1 session while she was in Shirdi. Again I felt the fire of energy.
It was brilliant, refreshing and the session built up and provided building blocks. Just fantastic. I am looking forward to another session with her.
I am practicing the techniques taught by her in my day-to-day meditation and feel the change.
I started having sessions with Ravi many years ago and she has helped me along the years with various different things. From my first sessions with her, I always remember she said she could see me doing something career wise where I would be helping people. It was a long road and there were many challenges along the way, but I can happily say that I have now started my own business as a hormone health coach, where I will be helping people with their health and wellness goals. I am beyond happy, grateful and excited to see where this takes me. Ravi always encouraged me and supported me along the way and I really appreciate her guidance.
Healing Session
I had a healing session with Ravi ji on the 26th October 2024. I had a session after a long time, as I could not commit myself due to family and work commitments. However, Sai Baba spoke to Ravi and I restarted sessions.
I found the session completely different to my previous sessions with her last year. It was refreshing, with new techniques and I was able to feel the difference within me.
After Ravi ji’s visit to Kashi and Shirdi I could sense a lot of difference in the session. I am now able to realise the guidance given to give me and what I want in my life. I am looking forward to my next session.
On 1st November 2024, I had a meeting with Ravi to discuss Sai 9 Healing administrative work. During our conversation, Ravi shared a profound message she had received from Baba, emphasising the importance of caring for our bodies and ensuring they get adequate rest. As she spoke, something extraordinary happened — a large white ‘thumbs up’ symbol suddenly appeared on the screen. Intrigued, I asked Ravi if she had triggered the reaction, but she assured me that her hands hadn’t moved, and she hadn’t touched her laptop during the discussion. It left us both wondering where this reaction had come from, as neither of us initiated it.
This wasn’t the only remarkable occurrence. During our Teams calls, a blue orb light frequently appears. Ravi explained that this is a sign of divine presence — Baba’s angels watching over us, offering their guidance and protection. It’s a deeply comforting reminder of the spiritual support that surrounds us.