About Healing
Sometimes we can get so caught up in the challenges of life that we forget to recognise our own worth and the amazing potential we have to improve our lives. With ongoing life coaching and healing, you can open the door to a whole new dimension of transformation. Life coaching helps you to reflect on yourself, allowing you to see beyond the filters of past experiences and beliefs, and truly recognise your inner self. Healing empowers you to realise that while you may not have control over every situation, it’s all part of the journey shaped by ‘past karma’. When you choose to embark on a healing journey, you’re releasing the impressions gathered over many lifetimes from your subconscious, and making way for future growth by making positive changes to your past actions.
Before a client comes to see Ravi, she meditates on Shri Sai Baba to receive advice and messages. This usually helps her to connect with the client before the session. Baba also gives her advice on which method of healing to use for the client and if it is the right time for the client to start healing. As often souls go through tough impending times which brings them to cross roads, however it is not always the case that they are ready to take the next leap in life and walk towards evolution. For some, only a single session is needed and for others it might take a few more to reach to the depths of true self and heal them. Healing usually involves the healer touching the person gently on where the healing is required most. Usually, this is the stomach area, as emotions are frequently stored there.
Sai 9 Healing is an incredible journey that brings love and light into countless lives. It is truly a beautiful experience. The key to unlocking this door to divine consciousness lies in the grace of Sai Baba and the sincere desire of the soul to grow and evolve.
Why is Sai 9 Healing different?
Many healers usually stick to one method, but Ravi truly stands out by blending Reiki healing, prayers and life coaching. This is a unique and holistic way to support your journey.
Ravi offers the following pillars of support:
Life Coaching
A life coach can help us uncover unhealthy, repetitive patterns, clear it, think outside the box and move forward extremely positively.
Prayers clear the path quickly, miraculously teaching the person the lesson that needs to be learned while removing the pain. The miracle of prayer is so vast that books are not enough to articulate and illustrate this.
A process through which our mental and physical ailments are healed with universal energy and guidance taken from a connecting source.
A spiritual Guide supporting in making right decisions when we are at cross-roads in life.
Meditation enables souls who are lost and striving to survive in darkness, walk towards light. Sometimes one gets so engrained into the miseries of human life that they don’t realise their self-worth and potential to better in Life.
Sai 9 Healing is the best curative human experience which is going to bring love and light into many lives. However who will open this door to reach the heights of divine consciousness will be dependent on the grace of Sai Baba and the pure intent of the soul to evolve.